Controversial opinions on metal

New opinion: Metal as a whole has grown pretty stagnant again in the last 2-3 years. I think we had a new peak in 09 and the 20teens are looking like a possible repeat of the 90s.
Depends where you're looking, there's a steady flow of good shit as always and the fact that I don't have enough money to keep up with it drives this home for me.
Post-metal is a joke and one of the most contrived movements within metal in existence. It might have been "progressive" the first time around but that crescendocore bullshit is as uninspired as anything else.

It's more "Oh no, overlong 'metal' relying on little more than fancy pedal effects and a contrived sense of build and resolution!"

I think I can agree with this. I liked the first couple post-metal bands ive heard, but it got annoying after a while, and now I have a hard time ever wanting to listen to it.

Btw, Hammers of Misfortune are great, though the only album I ever listen to is The August Engine, so if you have impressions of this band from another album, I could so I could honestly only attest to this one. I put it up there with Fates Warning's The Spectre Within (ok, maybe not quite, but its still good stuff).
Sure you can find something good if you hunt high and low. That doesn't disprove the statement "metal is stagnant". We had a burst of energy in the community from like 06-10 (part of which pulled me in) and since then it has dwindled away again quite noticeably, and much of that dwindling is on the output of the musicians. You can try and turn and pin it on the purchasing public but I think metal is one of the few genres where the clientele is willing to support their favorite artists who are producing new quality stuff.
Sure you can find something good if you hunt high and low. That doesn't disprove the statement "metal is stagnant". We had a burst of energy in the community from like 06-10 (part of which pulled me in) and since then it has dwindled away again quite noticeably, and much of that dwindling is on the output of the musicians. You can try and turn and pin it on the purchasing public but I think metal is one of the few genres where the clientele is willing to support their favorite artists who are producing new quality stuff.

I don't agree that it's stagnant, right now it's teeming with great output, there's quite a lot of shit happening so I can't really get onboard with your premise.
There's a lot of shit happening alright.

Ha! Well, there always is shit being pumped out, that'll never fucking change.

But seriously, all you have to do is follow a handful of labels and you'll have more than enough great Metal keeping you busy.
What's missing from your premise is subjectivity, if you aren't as psyched like I am for all the great new and not-so-new bands putting out classic Heavy/Thrash/Speed Metal records or the consistent pace that great classic Doom Metal is always released but instead you're personally after other styles of Metal, I could see how you would think what you do.

Right now I'm getting more than enough of what I like and many of the records aren't just rehashes of the past but are instead new spins on old sounds.
Sure you can find something good if you hunt high and low. That doesn't disprove the statement "metal is stagnant". We had a burst of energy in the community from like 06-10 (part of which pulled me in) and since then it has dwindled away again quite noticeably, and much of that dwindling is on the output of the musicians. You can try and turn and pin it on the purchasing public but I think metal is one of the few genres where the clientele is willing to support their favorite artists who are producing new quality stuff.

I think your opinion is challenged by the internet age + thinking the 90s were so much better because all the shit albums have gone away and no one will ever mention them again

But you aren't really a tr00 metal hero anyways, so not like I can tell you what is good and vice versa.
There's a lot of new stoner bands popping up the last few years. Even some of the popular radio stuff has a stoner tinge. Not a grunge tinge, a straight up stoner tinge.

In my area at least. Probably something to do with more record stores doing ok again and pot legalization.
"Stoner" styles have become the cringiest shit to my ears over the last few years, I used to at least enjoy Sleep but even them I can't keep down anymore.