Controversial opinions on metal

Yea, I mean, music that doesn't sound like it was recorded under water is actually demonstrably better that music that does. You can take the "atmosphere" and fuck right off with it.

I don't care about "atmosphere" either, it's just that the prospect of a Black Metal record produced to the standard of a Monkees single doesn't get my dick hard.

Is say, Beherit's Drawing Down The Moon too raw for your taste? What level of anti-production are we talking here? Burzum demo recordings?
Black Sabbath sounds like shit, it's literally the sound I hear my feces regurgitating back to me when I press my ear very close to them in the toilet bowl, they say something like: "I'm some gay-ass slow rock shit that pretends to be metal, and I fool all those stupid naive cunts who think "old equals better" when in fact "old equals stenchier, shittier, and generally crappier, muwahahahaha!"

Also, this is the best COB song ever (suck my erect cock, haters):

Yes I agree about Sabbath - a boring-ass rock band. And the best COB song would have to be something off FTR (KTS comes to mind).

Birds of a feather....

Can go eat shit together.
Wow! I must be getting really old. I can't believe the utter shite I'm hearing about Sabbath! Fukin' blasphemy! You kidz today are on some scary shit these days. o_O
Sabbath is some good stuff no doubt. Sure its tame by todays standards, but easily one of the most important metal bands.

The same cant be said of children of bodom unfortunately
Can someone please explain why the fuck that dumb cunt UA isn't banned? Seriously id like to know. He doesn't contribute anything constructive to the forum, not one person likes him, he trolls half the time, and oh, btw, he is a dumb cunt. He needs to drown in a toilet.

And yes, Children of Bodom suck balls.
Early Black Sabbath is awesome, that and Zappa is the first good music I ever listened to. I also like Children of Bodoms first two albums, and music with bad production can be good, sometimes it adds to the atmosphere, sometimes its good despite the production, sometimes it keeps you from hearing everything... obviously.
And often production can totally spoil an album, like Blessed Are The Sick, everything sounds pussified compared to that demo with the same songs on it.
What demo is that? The dry Morrisound production is a big part of why I don't listen to it very much. I'm not even a No Mosh fag, but Burns and Morris were responsible for some of the most dull big-name recordings in metal's history.
Sabbath is some good stuff no doubt. Sure its tame by todays standards, but easily one of the most important metal bands.

The same cant be said of children of bodom unfortunately

COB turned into a horrible band but, man, Follow the Reaper is a smoke show of an album. Great stuff.

Yea I've said before that I don't deny the influence or legacy of Sabbath. I just find their music immensely boring. Same with most of the classic "metal" bands except for Iron Maiden who fucking rule.
Or kids. When I first started seriously listening to metal in 6th grade or so, COB were one of the first bands I liked.

I think that Nightwish is the one band whose listeners are predominantly rapists and pedophiles. COB is indeed mostly listened to by kids.
Male 40+ listeners of Nightwish, probably, but they would make up a very small percentage of total Nightwish fans. Iron Maiden is really popular in South America; I'd pick them for having the largest rapist fanbase. Probably Babymetal if we're talking pedophilia though.