Controversial opinions on metal

Blah blah I hate stoner metal but Master of Reality is somehow one of the greatest metal albums of all time blah blah
Not ashamed to say I dig stoner metal. A lot of it is pretty bad, but the basic concept of heavy groovy droning metal that sounds awesome when you're stoned is pretty solid.
I recently became a convert. Good stoner doom isn't as common as I'd hoped, but the best stuff is almost up there with good thrash and good death for making me feel something when numb. Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics or Yob - Clearing the Path to Ascend are heavy as shit.
I feel like im the only fan of metal who just cant get into Sabbath. I wont oppose if anybody puts it on, but im not exactly crazy for it either.
I don't like and can't get past the production quality on many black metal albums. Personally, I prefer the much more polished releases. Not sure if that is controversial or not.
I feel like im the only fan of metal who just cant get into Sabbath. I wont oppose if anybody puts it on, but im not exactly crazy for it either.

Ever given the Dio era a genuine chance? Most people I know that feel this way about Sabbath end up digging Heaven and Hell (the album) or Mob Rules.
That's part of what I love about Grand Declaration of War. Produced like a 90s tech-metal album. I love the clinical aesthetic in metal when done right.
Ever given the Dio era a genuine chance? Most people I know that feel this way about Sabbath end up digging Heaven and Hell (the album) or Mob Rules.

Honestly, I really havent. I figured that if I didnt really care for the songs they used to unceasingly play on the radio in the 90s, and that the earlier "classic" albums didnt do it for me, the band just wasnt for me. Ill check out Heaven and Hell though.

I don't like and can't get past the production quality on many black metal albums. Personally, I prefer the much more polished releases. Not sure if that is controversial or not.

Most people I meet have this same opinion on black metal. I guess it depends on which albums you are referring to, but more often than not the raw production values add a feel and atmosphere that could not be had given cleaner production values. I for one prefer my black metal raw. Its more of an immersion in sound than it is a musical experience.
Black Sabbath sounds like shit, it's literally the sound I hear my feces regurgitating back to me when I press my ear very close to them in the toilet bowl, they say something like: "I'm some gay-ass slow rock shit that pretends to be metal, and I fool all those stupid naive cunts who think "old equals better" when in fact "old equals stenchier, shittier, and generally crappier, muwahahahaha!"

Also, this is the best COB song ever (suck my erect cock, haters):

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Well, in my opinion most people just pretend to like the "atmosphere" found on black metal records that sound like they were recorded with a Fisher Price tape recorder. It makes them feel cool. Not saying that's you necessarily... if you really like that crappy sound, great. Give me a cleanly produced record any day of the week. Atmosphere and "feel" can (and should) be generated by vocals and instruments. Also there's a nice balance that can be found...anything overly produced sounds just as bad.
Black Sabbath sounds like shit, it's literally the sound I hear my feces regurgitating back to me when I press my ear very close to them in the toilet bowl, they say something like: "I'm some gay-ass slow rock shit that pretends to be metal, and I fool all those stupid naive cunts who think "old equals better" when in fact "old equals stenchier, shittier, and generally crappier, muwahahahaha!"

Also, this is the best COB song ever (suck my erect cock, haters):

Yes I agree about Sabbath - a boring-ass rock band. And the best COB song would have to be something off FTR (KTS comes to mind).
People here hate Black Sabbath, like Children of Boredom and prefer Black Metal to be cleanly produced? Hahahaha, fucking fags.

Yea, I mean, music that doesn't sound like it was recorded under water is actually demonstrably better that music that does. You can take the "atmosphere" and fuck right off with it.

Is this controversial: the new Paradise Lost record FUCKING SUCKS. What a total fucking letdown.