Controversial opinions on metal

Well, first of all I'm only JUST mature enough to admit that your opinion is as valid as mine is, so sure if you say Immolation, I can respect that.

I'd have to say Bolt Thrower too, but also I'll mention Abscess, pretty sure nobody gives a toss about them though.
I'll just go ahead and say it, The Chasm.

As much as I like Bolt Thrower, most of their albums other than RoC and WM kind of blend together for me.

That being said, Incantation and Immolation are definitely on par with any death metal band for consistency and longitivity and have released some of the best death metal albums ever recorded.
The Chasm is definitely a contender. Rock solid discography. Bolt Thrower has one really boring album (Honor Valor Pride) and I personally don't think their debut is anything special either. Abscess is pretty mediocre honestly. I've never been the biggest fan of Autopsy either, I only really like Mental Funeral, other albums are just "ok" couple time listens.
THIS is how you produce a Death Metal record, the drums don't sound like clicking pieces of shit and the riffs don't sound like the guitar is hooked up to a big ass bottle of bleach.

Hate me, I want you to.
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The Chasm is pretty much the Manilla Road of death metal. (And I don't mean that negatively)

And I'm not going to hate you for it, Abscess is just shitty. Not sure why it took those guys so long to realize they should have stayed Autopsy all along.
Incantation and Immolation are easily the most consistent DM bands.
With the possible exception of the last two albums, post Diabolical Conquest Incantation is really underrated. While maybe not on the same level as Golgotha or Mortal Throne, albums like The Infernal Storm, Blasphemy, Decimate Christendom and Primordial Domination are rock solid death metal albums that are miles beyond what a lot of other bands were doing around the time when those albums were recorded. Decimate Christendom in particular I think is one of their strongest albums.
Immolation's first 5 albums are great with Here in After and Failures for Gods being the highlights for me. After that their albums are irrelevant. Some good tracks, yes, but nothing special. Same sorta goes with Incantation, although I'd argue that their 2 newest beat out anything Immolation's done in 10 years.

I worship the Chasm, so I agree there. I also feel that Cianide are insanely consistent.
Anybody checked out a band called Gorephilia? Definitely some early Incantation worship going on there.

You need to get more aquatinted with this forum, there's like 4 people here (including me) who have spent hours without end listening to old school styled death metal. You're not alone in the tr00 undergr0und m8. Gorephillia is sick by the way.
You need to get more aquatinted with this forum, there's like 4 people here (including me) who have spent hours without end listening to old school styled death metal. You're not alone in the tr00 undergr0und m8. Gorephillia is sick by the way.

Ha! I'd never be so arrogant as to think I'm alone, I just seem to be in a bastard minority of people that prefer the Punkier side of Death Metal, or worship bands like Impetigo.
Ha! I'd never be so arrogant as to think I'm alone, I just seem to be in a bastard minority of people that prefer the Punkier side of Death Metal, or worship bands like Impetigo.

I don't prefer "punkier" death metal, but I definitely enjoy disgusting demo death metal. For me I really enjoy really nasty production, I prefer it over "well produced" modern stuff. I think it suits death metal better for every aspect to be dirty.
I'm ridiculously picky about production myself, I can be a total bore on the topic.

I can enjoy any kind of production (aside from overly glossy, crystal-clear production with typewriter drums), but I enjoy slightly rawer production most of all.

I worship The Chasm BTW.