Controversial opinions on metal

Usually by randoms though, I feel like I read an anti-Road comment by you at least weekly.

I've tried to tone that down. At first I did it as a sort of 'anti-trolling' for the people who constantly put down others taste in music they don't see as tr00 or kvlt or *insert metal scene cliche here*. Their reactions mimicked the other scenario (ie: Some elitist dick puts down someone who likes metalcore). What's funny is that if one of the 'old school' people speaks out and likes something questionable from others, no one cares.

I legitimately tried them again with more of their discog and nothing jumped out at me. I'll try again some other time and it may change. It happened to lots of bands I now like. I think the main issue is how much people fellate certain bands and I don't really 'get it'.

Examples? Because a lot of what I've seen you say seems legitimately questionable to me.

I was being half serious, but in all honesty, it's questionable from the standpoint of the fact that it goes against what is accepted in the 'more underground' metal community. It's not questionable from the standpoint of objectivity (because it's impossible to prove factually that 'x band sounds better than y band' unless it's purely production based), just what you deem as 'acceptable' from your standards (or what the majority of people deem as 'acceptable'). I, too, could regurgitate half of what most people say and then I would suddenly be 'cool' (probably not, but you get what I mean). Read the quote from Krow in my signature. That sums up this forum quite nicely.

There are times where I think certain people here post that they like certain bands just to seem 'cool'. I cannot prove this at all. That is just my intuition talking.
I was being half serious, but in all honesty, it's questionable from the standpoint of the fact that it goes against what is accepted in the 'more underground' metal community. It's not questionable from the standpoint of objectivity (because it's impossible to prove factually that 'x band sounds better than y band' unless it's purely production based), just what you deem as 'acceptable' from your standards (or what the majority of people deem as 'acceptable'). I, too, could regurgitate half of what most people say and then I would suddenly be 'cool' (probably not, but you get what I mean). Read the quote from Krow in my signature. That sums up this forum quite nicely.

There are times where I think certain people here post that they like certain bands just to seem 'cool'. I cannot prove this at all. That is just my intuition talking.

Your intuition would, in my case, be completely misguided.
I genuinely like what I like but at the same time I happen to love mainstream bands too.
I actually seem to dislike a lot of what most people like here and it's all almost exclusively underground Black Metal and brutal/technical Death Metal, I think you're ignoring a lot of nuance among the users for whatever reason.

Though obviously I'm new here, maybe everybody is a giant vacuous poseur namedropping obscure bands and pretending to be cool.
My intuition is hardly ever misguided from my personal experience.

Not everyone is a poseur. I'm not that naive. But I'm sure that scenario happens on occasion.

My issue is how vicious people are for liking certain bands. Mort is a perfect example (at least at times). He gets mad that we're intolerant of transgender stuff, but then he's intolerant of other people's taste or will put people down because of it. It's one big hypocritical mess and it's why people are so resistant to get into the scene.
My intuition is hardly ever misguided from my personal experience.

Not everyone is a poseur. I'm not that naive. But I'm sure that scenario happens on occasion.

My issue is how vicious people are for liking certain bands. Mort is a perfect example (at least at times). He gets mad that we're intolerant of transgender stuff, but then he's intolerant of other people's taste or will put people down because of it. It's one big hypocritical mess and it's why people are so resistant to get into the scene.

Scene exclusivity has never bothered me, I've always rejected the notion that Metal is about brotherhood and in fact take the view that Metal wasn't ever meant for everybody, it doesn't need to be inclusive, it's supposed to be a breeding ground for bravery of character, individuality and obviously music.
None of this silly family bullshit, that aside - I'm telling you your intuition is misguided in my case, there's no wriggle room with this statement, obviously I can only speak for myself.

I know I reacted in a Mort-like manner (by your explanation) to your ridiculous opinion about Whitechapel, I'm actually quite open-minded about the taste of others, it just seemed like you were dribbling piffle because of the context of this thread.
There are times where I think certain people here post that they like certain bands just to seem 'cool'. I cannot prove this at all. That is just my intuition talking.

Why would people post music that they're not legitimately enjoying? What is to be gained by looking cool on an internet forum? I'm not saying you're wrong just questioning if there's a motive.
My intuition is hardly ever misguided from my personal experience.

Not everyone is a poseur. I'm not that naive. But I'm sure that scenario happens on occasion.

My issue is how vicious people are for liking certain bands. Mort is a perfect example (at least at times). He gets mad that we're intolerant of transgender stuff, but then he's intolerant of other people's taste or will put people down because of it. It's one big hypocritical mess and it's why people are so resistant to get into the scene.

The fucking ravine that exists between being a dick about musical tastes and being a dick about someones gender identity is so massive that I don't see how you could ever have thought it was a good idea to connect the two.

Not even remotely similar.
As cliched as it might sound if you consider yourself a fan of the genre and you happen to have long hair and/or a mess of facial hair and you wear band tshirts too sometimes then it's definitely not a coincidence that you look like a typical metalhead. You obviously have followed the herd yet you bitch how your taste has been developed distinctively.
I have long hair, wear band shirts, and listen to way more non-metal music than I do metal.

Maybe people do things simply because they ... you know like to.
Since gender is merely another piece in the construction of the self as well as socially constructed, just like musical and wardrobe tastes/selections, I don't see how the two are monumentally different.

Yea, I know my explanation was a bit tenuous; obviously genre distinctions arent so blatantly black or white. Grindcore seems to be influenced from earlier hardcore punk bands (mostly west coast) and D-beat bands that didnt really have breakdowns. Both genres draw from hardcore, but from different scenes. I never meant to say that metalcore wasnt influenced by hardcore punk - I forgot to edit that out and was drunk and didnt feel like trying to elaborate on my point.

@ Ozz - personally I like how everyone here is pretty cut and dry with their opinions. It makes me feel like they are comfortable with their taste in music and can discern whether it is something they like or not. It may come across as elitist, but I think that anybody with a respectable taste in music is inherently a music elitist in their own right. Its those wishy-washy fucks who claim they like music and say they like everything that really bother me. On the other hand, those that only listen to the type of music of an 'inner circle' they respect and deny everything else are just as despicable. Most of these types of people are 15 year old kids who are just trying to be accepted, which as far as I know isnt that common on this forum.
Can you stop being so purposefully fucking obtuse on these matters?

Don't get so mad I don't like your brand of koolaid.

Re EM: Yeah I love those "I listen to everything" people. I've met exactly one that included things outside of the top 40 station lists out of I've lost count how many who made the claim.
Don't get so mad I don't like your brand of koolaid.

Re EM: Yeah I love those "I listen to everything" people. I've met exactly one that included things outside of the top 40 station lists out of I've lost count how many who made the claim.

Has nothing to do with "koolaid" but if you think that musical tastes affect someones life anywhere near the level that their gender identity does (especially if they are not part of the cis-normative binary) regardless of whether or not the roles and norms surrounding gender are constructed then yeah, it is a bit worth calling you on your shit.
Has nothing to do with "koolaid" but if you think that musical tastes affect someones life anywhere near the level that their gender identity does (especially if they are not part of the cis-normative binary) regardless of whether or not the roles and norms surrounding gender are constructed then yeah, it is a bit worth calling you on your shit.

Go try to get a good job or make any other great strides in normal life dressed in Hot Topic drag.
Go try to get a good job or make any other great strides in normal life dressed in Hot Topic drag.

You don't get killed for wearing Hot Topic clothing, you're not more likely to be assaulted for wearing Hot Topic clothing, you aren't likely to be kicked out of your apartment/housing for wearing Hot Topic clothing, you're not more likely to commit suicide because you wear Hot Topic Clothing, etc.

Anyways, lets move back to the topic at hand:

John Haughm would be better off continuing his exploration of ambient music than he would going forward with Agalloch. His last two collaborations with Mathias Grassow have been far better than anything Agalloch has done since after Ashes.