Controversial opinions on metal


What would you like to see on the new album? I'm hoping for another ITDS-style song, more Egyptian instruments and some technicality like TWTGT.
Nile is simply OK. Half their stuff sound like album fillers and honestly I'd rather listen to an Egyptian band using traditional sound and themes rather than an American one.

Not sure how many times you've done Bathory here before but the vocals are garbage and you're a tone-deaf faggot if you think otherwise.
i actually think Twilight of the Gods is his pinnacle of songwriting.

listening to Folkloric Necro Metal. quite simply the best thing Ildjarn ever did
i actually think Twilight of the Gods is his pinnacle of songwriting.

Fair opinion, if Hammerheart didn't hold certain nostalgic magic in my mind, Twilight of the Gods would probably be my favourite.

Hammerheart is awful, as bad as any contemporary Greek Manowar clone.

Considering what your avatar photo is, you should be much more humble with the crap you excrete.
I enjoy Bathory's black metal phase much more than his more melodic phase (Under the Sign of the Black Mark is my favorite), but his whole discography is great imo.
Not sure how many times you've done Bathory here before but the vocals are garbage and you're a tone-deaf faggot if you think otherwise.

Actually a lot of people are quite capable of discerning when someone is a technically poor singer but still have the ability to enjoy their voice. I'm sorry that you aren't able to do that.

Also, you are hating, since you're passing your opinion off as the only valid one by acting like other people who don't agree with you are wrong and worthy of insult.