Controversial opinions on metal

I think Dagon is the most fantastic black metal vocalist. I know a lot of people probably don't care for him, but I think that he's perfect for Inquisition.
Hat of Gorgoroth is my favorite. He only did the vocals on Pentagram album and I can't find any information on where he left after that.
Abbath is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite black metal vocalist. It bounces back and forth between him and Varg for 2nd/3rd. The title for the best in black metal in my opinion is Dagon from Inquisition.

Beat me to it:
I think Dagon is the most fantastic black metal vocalist. I know a lot of people probably don't care for him, but I think that he's perfect for Inquisition.
It's never a race to mention how awesome Dagon is. That guy rules. I used to chat with him online sometimes.
Hat of Gorgoroth is my favorite. He only did the vocals on Pentagram album and I can't find any information on where he left after that.

Brilliant opinion!
I'm right there with you, the Gorgoroth demo tapes with Hat on vocals are some of my favourite Black Metal recordings too.

I'm prefacing this opinion with the fact that I like everything Immortal did and that At The Heart of Winter is a great album and the best of their early stuff:

The last three Immortal records are better than the first five Immortal records.

The last three Immortal records are better than the first five Immortal records.


Since there doesn't seem to be anything much controversial about Immortal I might as well bitch about Abbath sounding like a sailor and wait for the Butt and dickheads to start and get a beer meanwhile.

Sounds like I've rustled your jimmies quite a bit. Regardless, Abbath's vocals never were Immortal's strong point but the first two as well as At The Heart of Winter are fantastic.
My favourite Black Metal band from Norway is definitely Darkthrone, followed by Burzum with Satyricon's first two at a tie with Immortal's first two for third.

Favourite Black Metal vocalists are Quorthon (obviously), Mika Luttinen, Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance, Varg and Nocturno Culto.
I won't name the million 80's Black Metal vocalists I worship because they often only did like one album and then either fucked off into obscurity or their band changed for the worst.
My favourite Black Metal band from Norway is definitely Darkthrone, followed by Burzum with Satyricon's first two at a tie with Immortal's first two for third.

replace satyricon with DMDS and this is exactly my list i guess. nocturno culto is probs my fav vocalist too, i saw nocturno culto+satyricon playing vintage darkthrone tunes at wacken and it was the greatest thing i've ever experienced live.
I've never liked Motorhead. Not even 'Ace of Spades'. Lemmy is a cool dude but the band isn't for me at all.

Also, Ghost (previously Ghost B.C.) is a fantastic band with very thoughtful lyrical and musical composition and a gimmick that actually works well.

The whole "True Metal" thing aside, Rob Zombie is fun music and refusing to see him on the grounds of him being on a stage called "True Metal" is fucking gay. Imo.

I mean, Wacken has been shit for a long time. But I'd still see Zombie if I had a chance.
Eh. He's shitty music, not denying that, but a live show would be fun as fuck. Especially getting drunk and high to "Dragula".