Controversial opinions on metal

Cradle of Filth are really good at what they do which is essentially theatrical bombast. The symphonic elements have actually been toned down a bit on their latest album which is pretty awesome I must say. I'm surprised I like it so much seeing as I kind of stopped caring after Godspeed.

Cruelty and the Beast is an excellent album once you get past one of the most annoying drum sounds in the history of recorded music. I've always liked Dani's cat with its nuts tapped in a vice vocals to be honest. Its that that low, whispering type of thing he tends to a lot that can get a bit irksome.

Honestly, I could never really get into CoF, but I haven't heard much of them. I only remember that Nymphetamine song and my first reaction is that it's kind of corny. I'm willing to listen to something a little less… poppy if they have.
SepticFlesh, what do people hear in this band? This ultra bland bog standard death metal with a symphony.

basically a death metal dimmu borgir.

its fucking horrible.