Controversial opinions on metal

im going entirely based on Fallen Temple, Communion, Titan, and Great Mass.

well, its all a communion of titan sized great massive fallen turds
I like Communion for reasons I can't really articulate apparently. The rest I don't really care for much though.

As far as the CoF comparison goes, I suppose I could tolerate them with decent vocals, so maybe that's why.
Septic Flesh have some good stuff. Some of their earlier work is pretty good, and so are Communion and The Great Mass. I remember everyone liking those albums when they came out, don't now what the fuck happened now. No one incorporates symphony into death metal quite like they do ... and im talking about an actual orchestra.
I liked The Great Mass before but last time I tried to listen to it I turned it off really fast. Maybe I should go grab it out of my music room and try again sometime soon.
Give Titan a chance too. People hate them because they use a real orchestra in their music, but hating them for that reason alone is meritless. It's incorporated really well into the music and flows well.

Don't judge them just off of The Great Mass.