Controversial opinions on metal

are any other metal church albums worth checking out for someone who finds the s/t underwhelming? i guess ozz kinda just answered that question but... yknow... that's ozz
are any other metal church albums worth checking out for someone who finds the s/t underwhelming? i guess ozz kinda just answered that question but... yknow... that's ozz

I guess it depends on why you find it underwhelming. The Dark is a bit faster and more aggressive/speed metal-y. Blessing in Disguise is probably the album where they put the most work into songwriting. Hanging in the Balance has a slightly wider range and is a bit softer/more melodic.

One song from each:

But if you don't like The Dark or Blessing either, you probably shouldn't even bother with Hanging in the Balance.
I didn't know his avi was Terror Squad until he told me? Are you on crack? Go reread the comments you're bringing up because you're mistaken fucknuts, I own that album on vinyl, no way I'd ever mistake it for something else.

Oh shit, did i strike a nerve? How dare someone question the new Mr IKNOWEVERYTHING around these parts! Lol, what a tool.

Yeah you faggot, you even tried to clown on him for it but had to come back with one of your "ohh HOW COULD I HAVE EVER FORGOT ABOUT THAT BAND/ALBUM" posts after his reply. Your a fucking lame who thinks hes going to lose some kind of internet message board points for not knowing every single band or album that gets brought up here. Get a fuckin life, you poser.

I don't know a lot of the stuff people in here like and I've readily admitted this by asking for recommendations on genres and bands that most might consider entry level, so your characterisation of me doesn't quite hit the mark in my opinion.

Get off my nuts you sad act.