Controversial opinions on metal

Ozz is the hero this forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now..
Seriously though, anyone who actually thinks they'd ever find someone better than Ozz to mod this madhouse is a moron.
Ozz is the hero this forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now..
Seriously though, anyone who actually thinks they'd ever find someone better than Ozz to mod this madhouse is a moron.

Not sure if serious.

I'm surprised that they can't find a moderator who is active a lot at night.
No one wants to do it. People bitch about how I handle shit but I don't see anyone jumping in and wanting to take over my duties. In reality no one gives a shit. They would rather sit here and flame and instigate than make it a more welcoming community. I'm only going against the established mentality of elitism and complete douchebaggery that is plaguing this forum and the metal culture in general.

I volunteered to do this. No one else did to my knowledge. Jeremy was voted in.
How do they even select moderators? I wonder if you could make a topic in the GMD Social board asking if anyone was interested.

I would offer my services if I felt like I was known or supported enough here, only because I was a global mod on three large gaming forums that also used vB in the past. I don't think that I have enough credibility here though.
How do they even select moderators? I wonder if you could make a topic in the GMD Social board asking if anyone was interested.

I would offer my services if I felt like I was known or supported enough here, only because I was a global mod on three large gaming forums that also used vB in the past. I don't think that I have enough credibility here though.

No disrespect, but i definitely would not want someone like you being a mod around here. You are way too thin skinned for such duties.

Ozz does a pretty good job overall.
That's fine. I already stated that I doubt that anyone would in my post. I wouldn't want someone like you being a mod here either.
I was a moderator once on a forum dedicated to banned members of another forum. Someone embedded an image of some anime chick blasting a power beam out of her vagina and I edited it out, and everyone complained about my abuse of power and etc. I felt really bad and never took another act of moderation again iirc.
i used to be a mod here until i spammed that beloved image of a white guy punching a black guy and moved all the shit threads to the children of bodom forum