Controversial opinions on metal

For me cassettes were never about vintage sound fetishism and in fact sound totally shit sometimes, vinyl a little bit yes though.

CDs are really beginning to dominate my collection now though, I only buy vinyl on very VERY rare occasions.
My vinyl collection exploded when I got a record player. I had maybe 6-10 records before that point and I'm closing in on 60. Mainly it's bands where I have all their stuff on CD already and now I'm just being a completist.
I own like 7 cassettes because they're a bit of a chore to mess with. I only have some junky multiplatform thing to play them on. I pretty much buy vinyl as collectables and predominately listen to the CDs instead. But I do break out the wax when I have some free time and I'm in the mood. I have been a bit disenfranchised with the vinyl chase lately, been passing on über rare super variations because they're a bit ridiculous unless it's something I really fucking want.
When you say it's weird that people don't skip "boring" songs, it makes you look like you have ADD.

say i'm listening to an album i generally really like for the 20th time and i'm certain that i don't like a particular song and it sucks me out of the album's atmosphere, do you really think i shouldn't skip it because of the sanctity of the album experience or because it'd be an ADD thing to do or something? i'm not being facetious, i really don't get where you're coming from. or are you just denying that such albums exist, because i find that position p strange too

I demand an example of my "all over the shop" track ratings, I don't know what you're talking about and I've never been called out on that before so I'm really turned on right now to see what this is about.

SHOW NO MERCY would be one we talked about recently iirc? i'm looking at your first page of track ratings and there are examples where you've rated some tracks 4 and others 1.5 or 3.5 and 1 etc on the same album, i assume there are probably more extreme examples given this is one page out of 50 but maybe not idk. i'm not criticising this btw, i actually take your track ratings more seriously than most because you don't just blindly like every song on every album you like (or vice versa). and i mean, i can't speak for your scale but if i've rated a song 2 or below it's probably skippable to me, or certainly 1.5 and below. i'm not saying i'd skip it every time 'cause i'm not that trigger happy on the skip button, but skipping something you're not getting anything out of is a common sense option to me. and again, there are tons of 1.5- level songs out there, probability dictates that some of them are gonna be on albums which contain 4+ material.

Are you referring to the first half of With Fear... generally being considered better and more elaborate compared to the second half? What do you skip from that album? I'll admit that I go from 100% attention with Primal Breath to maybe 70% attention by the end of the album, but there's nothing remotely skipworthy on it afaik.

actually to be honest i often switch it off after 'primal breath' and pretend it's an EP. does that count? it's not even so much an issue of quality dropping (it does, but it's all still listenable) so much as the whole tone and mood changing in a jarring way that saps away the vibe the first half gave me. it's like two different albums wedged together.
As of today I have like 200 bands complete discographies (vinyl ripped) downloaded on my hard drives if that counts. I wouldn't mind buying CD's and stuff if they were available here.
say i'm listening to an album i generally really like for the 20th time and i'm certain that i don't like a particular song and it sucks me out of the album's atmosphere, do you really think i shouldn't skip it because of the sanctity of the album experience or because it'd be an ADD thing to do or something? i'm not being facetious, i really don't get where you're coming from. or are you just denying that such albums exist, because i find that position p strange too

Yeah that's fair, I was just being a presumptuous dick or however you put it. I think a lot of people have a tendency to try and force a "best-of" out of everything and dismiss songs that don't hook them immediately as boring or filler, so you just managed to find a trigger word of mine. I do think that those kinds of albums are rare though.

SHOW NO MERCY would be one we talked about recently iirc? i'm looking at your first page of track ratings and there are examples where you've rated some tracks 4 and others 1.5 or 3.5 and 1 etc on the same album, i assume there are probably more extreme examples given this is one page out of 50 but maybe not idk. i'm not criticising this btw, i actually take your track ratings more seriously than most because you don't just blindly like every song on every album you like (or vice versa). and i mean, i can't speak for your scale but if i've rated a song 2 or below it's probably skippable to me, or certainly 1.5 and below. i'm not saying i'd skip it every time 'cause i'm not that trigger happy on the skip button, but skipping something you're not getting anything out of is a common sense option to me. and again, there are tons of 1.5- level songs out there, probability dictates that some of them are gonna be on albums which contain 4+ material.

I guess a lot of it comes down to having so much to listen to these days. For an album like Show No Mercy, I'm still not listening to it much more than twice a year or so, so I figure what is three minutes every six months if it means the title track may finally click? A 1.5 in my book is (barely) tolerable but nothing I remotely enjoy, so it's still passable as background music. Since it's the last track on that album, I can use the time to think about the next album to listen to anyways.

But Show No Mercy is one of the more inconsistent albums out there imo, in general an album with amazing songs has the quality-control to not dip below average. For all my favorite albums from the bigger names, the only one with a track I routinely skip is Part IX from Fates Warning's A Pleasant Shade of Grey, and that's because it literally breaks the flow of what is otherwise a very cohesive song/suite/whatever you want to call it.

actually to be honest i often switch it off after 'primal breath' and pretend it's an EP. does that count? it's not even so much an issue of quality dropping (it does, but it's all still listenable) so much as the whole tone and mood changing in a jarring way that saps away the vibe the first half gave me. it's like two different albums wedged together.

I'll admit that I often have a temptation to try messing with tracklistings, turning a great album into a perfect EP, etc, I just feel kind of dirty doing it. Maybe I would enjoy it even more if I did that. Lately I've been considering making an Accept compilation of my faves from Breaker through Metal Heart because all of those have some pretty weak/redundant material, but it means I'm neglecting some classic songs because I can't be bothered to listen to those albums enough. So there's merit to doing what you do, sure.
I generally listen to music on my computer even though I do have a record player, it's sort of a pain in the ass to put together to listen to.

With that said, I do skip. Sometimes I get a crazy urge to hear a specific track then go onto another artist. While other times, I'll listen to the same song on repeat. ADHD listening habits, ftw. This doesn't happen all the time, and when listening to a new album I do listen in full (unless it's really bad) before going on tangents.
Definitely controversial to some here:

Stoner Doom > Trad Doom
Tech/Prog Thrash > Thrash/Death > Crossover > Black/Thrash
OSDM > Tech Death > Brutal Death
Prog Metal > Traditional Heavy Metal

Switch Brutal Death and Tech Death and yeah.
Definitely controversial to some here:

Stoner Doom > Trad Doom
Tech/Prog Thrash > Thrash/Death > Crossover > Black/Thrash
OSDM > Tech Death > Brutal Death
Prog Metal > Traditional Heavy Metal

Regular/Vanilla Thrash > Tech-Thrash > Thrash/Death = Blackened Thrash > Crossover

OSDM > Tech-Death > BDM

Traditional Doom > Stoner Doom

Traditional Heavy Metal > Prog Metal
one thing I'm surprised about, is how Baby metal is not a new genre. most baby metal i know about, is about brutally eating them and fucking them.

Anyways, i know its old news but are baby metal still a thing?
lol what the fuck is baby metal?


Do you not keep up to date with the latest metal news!!! how dare you call yourself a true metal fan!

lol, took that way too far, anyways i have liked a bunch of pages on Facebook i don't even like and I'm too lazy to unlike it but the metal "news" outlets put up a bunch of shit articles on facebook about things like this
Baby Metal:
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Only casual Metal fans that are predominately anime dorks like that shit, an extension of yellow fever.

Old school anime is actually pretty good, but god damn Babymetal is just flat out horrendous. I can see the appeal of straight up j-pop, but something that half-asses both genres, I just dont see.

@ ITP - check out The Divine Wings of Tragedy. If you dont like the first song, I dont see you getting into them. Think progressive power metal with a heavy fantasy vibe. If this sounds repulsive to you, then you can probably pass on them.