Controversial opinions on metal

the metal rules board got super boring a while back. vic's endless atheist ranting contributed greatly to that boredom.

omni you were totally a dodens ball-licker back in the day (i was on falco and demiurge's nuts myself tbf) but you've truly blossomed into a unique daffodil.
Dodens initiated and maintained the majority of my interactions with him in a quite persistent fashion. He was fairly enamored with me at that time by his own admission. I enjoyed his efforts.

I'm pretty sure that my absence here and in general is why he doesn't talk to me anymore even when I attempted to renew our friendship.

MalignParadigm has been at least as influential on the development of my tastes and attitude regarding metal as Dodens, but he is a bit less outspoken. I think that a lot of people have a misconception that I was unfamiliar with metal when I got here which is also not the case.

Also, I am still waiting to know if this is the same Vic from metal-rules.
Yeah, that Vic.

EDIT: And I got sick of the Metal-Rules board too. Didn't they have a long period where no one new could register? I think that would have killed the place especially. IIRC I posted there before other general metal discussion forums, and discovered some good stuff from people there, but the place just went flat.
If this is the same Vic, I own an album by him that I got for free with my most recent online purchase. It looks cringe-worthy.
Not that I mind being called predictable, I like what I like and express it bluntly, I'm picky as fuck too.
Meanwhile you plonks jump around in Deathcore and Metalcore, listen to corny, bland "extreme" Metal and fap over atmospheric/DSBM bands, if I have to do all that bollocks just to be unpredictable, I'll happily pass and spend my time tracking down obscure Sludge Metal and worshipping Morbid Visions.

Obscure sludge recs please.

Also, what's your problem with the production on Cause of Death?
Obscure sludge recs please.

Also, what's your problem with the production on Cause of Death?

It just sounds so lifeless to me, but for some people that's a bonus, also more specifically it's drum sound really pisses me off, it has that typical 90's Death Metal clicky sound.
I'm real fucking anal about drum production I guess, if the drums aren't right it throws the whole shit off.

I'd be down to throw some obscure Sludge recs your way anytime man.
vic founded unsung heroes records (megiddo, vrolok, eyes of ligeia, rehtaf ruo etc) and was the founding member of rampage & death beast among other things - used to work in tandem with barbarian wrath a lot iirc. he's a pretty big name in underground metal rightly or wrongly. i didn't get on with the guy too well but i was kind of a prick back then haha.

i used to like fireaxe quite a lot tbh. they (he) were a huge deal on the internet like ten years ago, quite earthy epic trad with pompous conceptualisation and awful vocals lol. i'd be interested to hear them again now. think i preferred their other albums to that one.

and yeah, MR went downhill a lot. so did UM (hence a lot of the best posters from 10 years ago leaving) but UM started to get better again this past few years. what was your name on MR HBoy?
I thought he started pretty much all the Fireaxe fellating on M-R and a few people just went right along with him. Maybe a little bit bled into M-A as well, but otherwise I don't remember Fireaxe getting much praise.

I had the same handle there as everywhere else.
It just sounds so lifeless to me, but for some people that's a bonus, also more specifically it's drum sound really pisses me off, it has that typical 90's Death Metal clicky sound.
I'm real fucking anal about drum production I guess, if the drums aren't right it throws the whole shit off.

The kick drums are way clickier on Slowly we Rot imo. It's interesting as both albums are Scott Burns produced and only a year apart but they sound so different. Cause of Death has much better separation between the instruments and a bigger, heavier sound to me.

I'd be down to throw some obscure Sludge recs your way anytime man.

Hit me!
I thought he started pretty much all the Fireaxe fellating on M-R and a few people just went right along with him. Maybe a little bit bled into M-A as well, but otherwise I don't remember Fireaxe getting much praise.

I had the same handle there as everywhere else.

i was quellingthesimiansurge lol. not one of my more PC usernames. yeah, fireaxe were never popular in the grand scheme of things, i just remember them briefly getting a lot of raves on MR, MA, anus, here a bit too.
DSBM is bottom of the barrel whiny black metal crybaby shit. Literally 99% of the time unlistenable.

Also I'm really partial to Symphony Masses.