Controversial opinions on metal

Ha yep, when I played video games back in the day I never ever cared about the story except for one or two games...Metal Gear Solid and Tomb Raider, if I remember right. Same thing with concept albums. I don't care at all about the stories - most of them are childish in my view - but just focus on songs.
That's just hurting yourself though (maybe you're into that sort of thing). But if you limit yourself you're missing out on some of the most talented/passionate about metal musicians such as guitarists, drummers, bassists and keyboardists in bands with growled vocals.

... and that is a fair statement (and no, I don't like hurting myself). A good example of that is with Vehemence. I really like the music of the band, and I think Chavez was just awesome on those first two albums. However, I hate the vocals so much that I can't even listen to them. To date, I own no Vehemence albums. It is not that I don't like extreme vocals, far from it! I have no problem at all with Uneasy_Conscience's list there. A few posts ago I mentioned Kataklysm's first album. I love that album, and its vocals are extreme as fuck. I just feel that the market is oversaturated with a few specific growling types, and that many are just sub-standard vocalists.
It's not at all a strawman when he says that metal singers would need to be good enough to compete on a similar show during his argument about why good singing is required to advance metal and why he feels vocals are the driving force required for it to move forward in the first place. I assume that you didn't read that at all.

You might notice he said "blow out of the water". A young Halford could do that; it doesn't mean literally needing a pop singer.
... and that is a fair statement (and no, I don't like hurting myself). A good example of that is with Vehemence. I really like the music of the band, and I think Chavez was just awesome on those first two albums. However, I hate the vocals so much that I can't even listen to them. To date, I own no Vehemence albums. It is not that I don't like extreme vocals, far from it! I have no problem at all with Uneasy_Conscience's list there. A few posts ago I mentioned Kataklysm's first album. I love that album, and its vocals are extreme as fuck. I just feel that the market is oversaturated with a few specific growling types, and that many are just sub-standard vocalists.

Listening to Sorcery now. It's been a while. I forgot how sick those vocals are. Still, not that dissimilar to what's been put out over the year.
I have a similar problem. I hate deep growls. I am okay with harsh vocals, I can stand a few DM and melodic DM bands, and lots of sludge too but when I hear a really deep growl I gotta turn off the music, I can't listen to it. It sucks, because I know I am missing out on a lots of good bands, but what can you do.
For every great death metal vocalist, there are fifty with zero depth or range. alex76 is exactly right. Even with newer, "progressive" (often debatable but whatevs) extreme metal acts, the vocalists are usually as one-dimensional as any generic core screamer people like to whine about.
I cant stand the higher pitched stuff, which is probably why I don't like black metal as much as other genres, although I fucking love Silenius and his sick voice, but I love deep growling. I also like to be able to understand the fucking words. To me a killer vocalist is someone who not only uses his voice in unorthodox variations, has range and power, but who can showcase everything while pronouncing the fucking words in a clear/semi clear manner. Jukka from Omnium Gatherum might be the best example off the top of my head.
You might notice he said "blow out of the water". A young Halford could do that; it doesn't mean literally needing a pop singer.

Yes, and a young Rob Halford will probably not be a driving force in extreme metal and advance the genre beyond the vocal styles it uses now, as I stated earlier.
Yes, and a young Rob Halford will probably not be a driving force in extreme metal and advance the genre beyond the vocal styles it uses now, as I stated earlier.

The advancement of extreme metal vocals stopped probably around the mid-to-late 90s. I'm unaware of any recent development in black or death metal of vocal styles, except maybe in cookiecutter goregrind bands seeing who can belch the most guttural.
Yes, I'm aware. That doesn't make it any more likely that extreme metal will move forward as a genre driven by talented traditional singers, as alex76 stated while also outright saying he is rebelling against extreme metal vocals.

You haven't added anything new to the conversation. Nobody claimed that there were new vocal styles cropping up in extreme metal. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say right now because it isn't a good counterargument for anything that anyone is saying here.
I'm saying that proficient traditional metal vocalists would be a very welcome change from most of what is going on in extreme metal vocally.
There are a lot of traditional metal singers that are just as guilty as being one-dimensional as anyone in extreme metal, so I would have to disagree.

At any rate, it's unlikely that extreme vocals will be lost in favor of traditional metal vocals in extreme metal and even more unlikely that vocals will suddenly become the main focus of extreme metal in the first place.
Controversial opinion - I have almost totally rebelled against Cookie Monster vocals in Metal. If a band is going to use them, there had better be a reason of sorts, and they should impress just as much as any other instrument. I think Metal has forgotten just how important the singer (note here singer, not vocalist) of the band is. Yes, yes, blistering guitars still reign supreme, but few things in Metal can ruin a good sound like an awful frontman. I am not sure Metal can even advance as an art form until it moves past its current reliance on growls, squeals, and other fucking animal noises being passed off as something worth listening to, and into something that can be considered by the layman as talented pipes.

The lead singer of a worthwhile Metal band should be able to go up on that stupid fucking Americas Got Talent shitshow and blow the rest of the contestants out of the water.
Bad opinion tbh. You misunderstanding the intent behind these vocal styles doesn't mean it isn't something "worth listening to".
Well at least, unlike my previous attempts, I finally posted an opinion that was actually controversial.

We take the victories where we can find them.
Is it controversial to not support the "classic" reunion of Black Sabbath in any way due to their almost intentional mistreatment and eventual falling out with Bill Ward?

The song that I heard from the album also kinda sucked anyway.
Not that controversial. I intend to see them on their final tour, but I could see why some would not want to. It won't be the same without Ward.
Truly one of my all-time favorite bands, but they should've ended it after their last tour. Tony and Geezer still sound amazing, but watching/listening to Ozzy these days almost breaks my heart. Not even gonna comment on the whole Bill debacle other than it's a damn shame.
Articles about Bill Ward keep cropping up on, and whilst the situation is unfortunate, I can't help keep being reminded of that film Office Space where the timid guy is gradually being pushed into obsolescence ... a solitary voice that those above him no longer want to hear, and all we're left with is him moaning like he's trying to make everyone feel pity for him.