Controversial opinions on metal

I'm pretty sure that I listen to a wider spectrum of metal than you, DD. Not that I consider that to be hard to do.

I listen to what I know and like. And it has been keeping me through for years, what can I say.:)
I don't see why listening to a wide spectrum of metal is a good thing. I've explored a lot of metal over the years but just go back to 80s traditional metal most of the time. I've got more into classical music though.
Sorry, but being critical of other people's criticism because you find it unintelligent and based around illogical premise is definitely the opposite of dumb. Besides, not all criticism should be approached as though there is any chance that it is valid since it is often based around agenda and misinformation.

Regardless of whether Disma is a vehicle for Pillard's racism, anyone who associates with him is making a voluntary choice to associate with an openly racist person. It would be perfectly legitimate for business owners to not want to have him appearing on their lineup, regardless of whether or not the music itself is a vehicle for racism.

If you don't disagree with them being removed from the lineup, don't use it as part of your opinion or argument. It makes you look like you don't know what you're saying at all when you do. You could have just said Pillard being a racist doesn't alter your opinion on Disma, but you made it about them being removed from a show.

Hey brainiac, show me where I made it a part of my opinion or argument.
The other day I saw a middle-aged black woman blasting Sepultura's Arise (the title track) in a Prius. She was really bobbing her head to it too. I was listening to some 80s Japanese pop at the time, but it inspired me to listen to Beneath the Remains on my drive back home that day.
i own several graveland albums, that fullmoon album, several drudkh albums, as well as nokturnal mortum, Hate Forest's Battlefields....

i dont feel guilty in the least. its not like the $.25 they get from my purchase goes to setting up a neo nazi rally.
The money will mostly go to a label, these bands for the most part don't live off of their band income, album sales don't go to bands (as many download justifiers say all the time) but they overlook the fact that it goes to labels and without profit it's hard as fuck for a band to find labels to release their shit.
Hey brainiac, show me where I made it a part of my opinion or argument.

Here's a controversial opinion, I really could care less when it's revealed that a musician in a band has retarded pro-Nazi views re Disma's recent removal from a bill due to Craig Pillard's dumb views.

Here, since you specifically stated your opinion as a response to the event. You made it a part of your opinion from the beginning. Whether you intentionally did so or not is irrelevant, but your post reads as a reply to the event as the reason why you felt the need to express a contradictory opinion. Don't act like you're some flawless master debater who is immune to criticism.
Also, I own multiple albums from Burzum, Arghoslent and a bunch of other bands with offensive views. I don't agree with their views but it isn't like I bought any of them from the bands. None of them got any of my money.
I mentioned that incident because I didn't intend to pull a random opinion out of my ass, it was the catalyst to my post, so I said so.
Nowhere did I even imply that I thought he shouldn't have had his band removed from the lineup.

I get the feeling you start a lot of arguments about nothing.
If you say so. That's pretty much exactly how your post reads and rms replied to it that way was as well.

I also find your opinion that criticism should be immune to people feeling it's unintelligent to be ill-informed.
If you say so. That's pretty much exactly how your post reads and rms replied to it that way was as well.

Lets say a musician is caught with drugs, Wino for example, and I say hey controversial opinion; I don't give a shit if someone uses drugs but it's dumb to use them and it's fine to be fired from your job for it and I'm bringing this up because Wino is trending.
How in the fuck is that me making the Wino incident a part of my opinion or argument?

I also find your opinion that criticism should be immune to people feeling it's unintelligent to be ill-informed.

Is it just me or is your wording here a total headfuck?

I merely think that it's dumb to think criticism is dumb, which you said it was.
You never said it was fine for Disma to be removed in that post, so that isn't the same thing.

Also, I said that a specific criticism is dumb because it's clearly ignorant of logic. I did not say criticism in general is dumb.
So the first comment I made (wherein I said nothing about disagreeing with the venue's decision) is cemented in place and interpreted by you to mean something it doesn't and the very next comment I made after that can have no bearing on my position?

That's a shitty way to debate.

It's the right of any venue or event to bar your performance if your views are offensive or racist and I think it's dumb to criticize business owners for not wanting to be associated with racists.

I didn't say I disagree with them being removed from the bill, even though Disma has nothing to do with his private views, I agree that they should be allowed to choose who they associate with, I personally just don't give a fuck.

Show me where anybody criticised the venue, please.
I never said that either. You actually did a good job clarifying your stance in subsequent posts and nobody said otherwise. I just said that your original post is misleading.

I also didn't accuse anyone here of specifically criticizing the venue at all. I stated that I felt that it would be dumb for anyone to criticize them because I know that people have criticized them and other venues for doing this sort of thing.

Not all posts are direct responses to you. I'm done here since I really don't know what you're doing at this point.