Controversial opinions on metal

Have they said anything about why they haven't done another yet? I thought there was talk that they'd have a follow-up relatively soon but now it's pushing 5 years.

Steve Flynn was in a pretty serious car accident a couple of years ago and fucked his wrist up. Dunno if he's fully recovered.
Also, I own multiple albums from Burzum, Arghoslent and a bunch of other bands with offensive views. I don't agree with their views but it isn't like I bought any of them from the bands. None of them got any of my money.

I own hardcopies of a couple Burzum cds. I don't see how giving an artist with offensive views money is a bad thing. I doubt Varg will use it to torch more churches.
He won't post here again. He told me that quite unambiguously. I don't know why he reached that decision but he seems firm about it.
How is it white guilt to not support shitty people financially?

Yeah i was just being obnoxious.

But it still is funny to me that people always choose not to support supposed racist "shitty people" while supporting other shitty people because its either convenient or through deluded rationale
I'd go as far as to say it can be refreshing when musicians have views you might hate, disagree with, whatever.

Who wants to be surrounded by nothing but views you agree with? I could never understand such a want.
seems like some people want their favourite bands to double as their bffl, lover, soulmate etc. i don't give a shit, i'd love and heap praise on an album by a supergroup comprised of hitler, ayn rand, the ozzman and justin bieber so long as it was kicking my ass. idk if i'd buy it though but that's less about ethics and more about being a cheapskate