Controversial opinions on metal

Responding to the conversation about musicians having views that are shitty.

I actually think it's quite unfortunate that this anti-intellectualism that has taken hold in our politics has also taken root in underground music too. I also think it's really pathetic and laughable to think of oneself as counter-cultural (which a lot of these musicians with shitty views believe) or counter-societal while at the same time they still play an active role in enforcing its rules.
The only thing you're supporting by purchasing things from racist/whatever bands is your desire to hear phonetics expressed in such a way it pleases your ears. They could be screaming about stale bread, as long as its in tune with a pimp backdrop I don't give a shit.

Its cool when lyrics are meaningful, or when you just have a line that's totally quote worthy, but its secondary where music is concerned IMO.
I mean... I spread mammal sauce on my wang. And if you don't like mammal sauce, you might as well be gay.
My mammal sauce is the best mammal sauce
Spread mammal sauce on my wang
We make mammal sauce in bill williams loft
And we eat a bucket of tang.

Heard that shit years back, cracked me up.

I remember this part that sounds like King Diamond.

Mothers not home
Lets have some fun
Make sure that daddy's away
If they ever found out
What were doing here
They'd probably think we're gay
I listened to that album for the first time just recently. The Algy Ward imitation was my favorite part.
musicians who self-identify as 'counter-cultural' can be effective in inspiring change though, and a shit-ton of good music has been made by such types.

My point was that not every one who identifies as counter cultural is actually counter cultural. I know my opinions are a minority here, but it isn't counter cultural mouthing off the same nonsense about women and minorities that's been said over and over again for centuries.

This doesn't even only go for metal either. It seems a lot of other genres have similar things like this, especially if they are considered to be underground music.

Also, I wasn't speaking about how good their music is. Not talking about the music at all, just solely their views.

This is actually good, not perfect, shit production and quite awkward, but still ,underneath that, it's fucking fun stuff.