Controversial opinions on metal

Is Skeletonwitch even considered retro thrash? They don't sound like anyone from the 80's to me. They're alright, I own one album but it doesn't get a whole lot of playtime. Good energy though, I could see them being a great live band.
Retrodeath is just as bad. Like that new Entrails album. Sounds amazing for the first song or two until you realize all the album has going for it is production.
You don't really like thrash anyway so ......

The best way to gauge whether or not a person's opinions on thrash are meaningful is to ask what they think of Sabbat (either band). If they immediately get an erection, you know they're hipster shits and only like thrash they were told to like.
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If not for Walkyier, the first two Sabbat albums would have virtually nothing. Easily as generic and derivative of Bay Area thrash as many retrothrash bands today.

And that isn't to say Sabbat (UK) is the worst thing ever. Dreamweaver is decent. But anyone that puts them at the very top and dismisses all other thrash is almost certainly a false.
Plenty of people do it. Mort does it. Sabbat is the Manilla Road of thrash metal. In-crowd garbage.
Sabbat is great. I mean is there better? Yeah, but still top tier stuff. They're not Slayer, but they're pretty on par with Holy Terror level stuff.