Controversial opinions on metal

Some black metal is good, others I don't really like but I can see why others would. Right after DSBM and maybe the more obnoxious symphoblack bands, whatever style Hate Forest is considered exists right near at the bottom.

What black metal do you like just curious? I'm kind of in the same boat black metal opinion wise. I like the occasional windir or dissection but most of it I just don't get.
HB: There is nothing wrong with DSBM. Or at least some of it.

Dismissing an entire genre is idiocy.

Baroque: From what I have gleaned, basically just Mayhem.
I really like most of what Mayhem has done. The first Burzum is great, classic period Darkthrone isn't exactly my thing but it has its moments. First Immortal is good. Dornenreich's Flammentriebe was a big positive surprise for me, and I like what else I've heard of them (although a lot of it is kinda more gothic metal or something). Obtained Enslavement's Witchcraft is pretty cool for sympho black, a bit riffier than the average. The first Fleurety and Ved Buens Ende's album are nice; I appreciate them more for what I perceive as the less black metal parts, but it's undoubtedly related and I like all the dissonant Voivody stuff on those.

Then there's all the first/first-and-a-half wave stuff, but none of that stuff has what bothers me about black metal (drum machines, extremely repetitive rhythms, riffs that seem to just cycle through the same few notes or chords, etc).

EDIT: Forgot Bethlehem's Dictius te necare, good album and I especially love the vocals. I need to listen to their Dark Metal album. Also, Drowned's Conquering the Azure demo, a lot of people seem to consider it death metal but it's clearly black metal to me.

Oh, Drottnar's Welterwerk too, although the average black metal purist wouldn't consider it one (it's basically black metal-influenced tech metal, sorta Mayhem's GDoW or Chimera taken a little further).
That would be a waste of both our time, for obvious reasons.

I am not as easily impressed by "woah the riffs man", i guess. I just look for more in my music.
I still believe that proper BM exists only to create an evil atmosphere, people are using different means of create atmospheres that far surpass most of this stuff nowadays.
"whoa the riffs man" :lol: Pretty much his assessment of all metal. :lol: So superficial.

Mayhem is trash. But good call on Fleurety. Excellent album
Most Mayhem is trash. Deathcrush and especially DMDS are superb and this is fact.
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I'm sure I'd agree if I heard some, as that's a principle pretty well established for most genres.
But most of what I've heard was either shit, or it was okay but it was a DSBM band's not-quite-DSBM-yet recordings.

Feel free to share something and I'll listen to it or whatever.
Feel free to share something and I'll listen to it or whatever.
Depends on your definition of DSBM.

Som good bm-releases with depressive atmosphere are:

Strid - Strid
Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Dödfödd - Besvärjelse För Omvänd Rekreation
Abyssic Hate - Suicide Emotions