Controversial opinions on metal

Strangely cheery.

Controversial Opinion: Black Sabbath - Into the Void... I think Ozzy is rapping...

Well, I just get this picture of him wearing a truckers hat at a 45 degree angle, wearing a bunch of gold chains, and scratching a turntable.
Yeah I can't see that, sorry bro.

Anyone remember the title of that British train documentary (circa 30s-50s iirc) where the narrator is pretty much rapping to the rhythm of the engine? That was pretty awesome.
Depends on your definition of DSBM.

Som good bm-releases with depressive atmosphere are:

Strid - Strid
Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Dödfödd - Besvärjelse För Omvänd Rekreation
Abyssic Hate - Suicide Emotions
I wouldn't really describe the Mutiilation as DSBM, but it is quite good also.
The LLN stuff is really good, though I've never heard them described as depressive. Belketre, Vlad Tepes, Vermeth and Torgeist are great. I still need to pickup the Vlad Tepes 'Drakksteim Sessions' at some point. Also that Moevot 'Abgzvoryathre' is some of the most excellently diseased shit I've ever heard, I got that directly from Vordb but I guess it falls more into the ambient category, still evil as fuck.
I just really dig the ultra-melodic stuff that utilizes a lot of slow, ringing arpeggiated sections (I don't know any theory so I can't describe it better than that). DSBM usually features this kind of songwriting so naturally I'm drawn to it.
Well as I said my recs are probably not your typical DSBM but, Remains of Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul is without a doubt depressive imo, very much so even. The rest of Mütiilations discography not so much, that's why I recommended that specific album even though it isn't their best.

On another Mütiilation note: Vampires of Black Imperial Blood is probably the best bm-album from France.
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I'm sure I'd agree if I heard some, as that's a principle pretty well established for most genres.
But most of what I've heard was either shit, or it was okay but it was a DSBM band's not-quite-DSBM-yet recordings.

Feel free to share something and I'll listen to it or whatever.

Always I recommend Krohm:

Bethlehem's "Dictius te necare" is a work of art

And I agree. Vampires of Black Imperial Blood is a classic
Dictius te Necare I wouldn't really describe as DSBM either. But it is a pretty fantastic album. One of the first black metal albums I ever got into actually.