Controversial opinions on metal

Deathcore sucks, but there are a few okay bands like The Red Shore, The Red Chord, All Shall Perish and The Contortionist.. The Acacia Strain have a few tolerable tracks too.

Here's some good stuff but its more along the lines of tech-death ...
Well seeing as how thus far I have only enjoyed about two bands from each of the two genres (maybe more than two for tech-death but it still isn't a genre whose musical traits I generally enjoy), I can say they're about equal?
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Go ahead and say what you want haha, sure as shit isn't equal in my eyes.

To even begin to enjoy Deathcore I'd have to lower my standards significantly and they're already pretty fucking low (yet anally high) so fuck that, I'd give 90's Deathcore a chance if any existed but until any resurfaces, pass.

I don't mind some Metalcore, the old school bands, so it should follow that any Deathcore from around the same period could be cool, but it seems like a very post-1999 style of "music."

I could imagine a combination of Void and Cadaver being really cool.
Oh no, it wasn't a question, the question mark was solely to convey tone. Lmao. Sorry, I should have clarified.

In terms of metalcore, I like Bring Me The Horizon's last three albums, some Killswitch Engage, the first five by Lamb of God, and a couple other bands I am probably forgetting.

In terms of deathcore, basically just Suicide Silence and the first two albums by We Butter The Bread with Butter. Some songs by Obey the Brave are okay.
I'm into shit like Bloodlet, 108, Ringworm, Earth Crisis, Converge, YDI, Integrity, Shai Hulud, Rorschach, Starkweather.

Basically old ass Metallic Hardcore bands, I can't get into the kind of Metalcore you listed, that shits horrible to my ears and not in the good way.

[shrug] Everyone is different.

I guess I liked it when it was more Hardcore and less Metallic, because once the balance shifted in the Metallic direction everything sounded really corny and posery to me.
You've never heard of Converge? And Earth Crisis is one of those metalcore bands that every trve metal type has to like, "Oh yeah I like REAL New York metalcore, Earth Crisis fo sho".

I'm not much of a metalcore guy, but Rorschach and Starkweather are legit good imo.
lol, you made me double check and I was already ready to say "Huh I coulda sworn...". Where did you think they were from? Most of those groovy metallic ones seemed to come from New York or elsewhere on the east coast.
I had a Converge album Jane Doe but got rid of it it did nothing for me and I think at the time I was more into Doomsword, TLWSF and BM and stuff, just didn't get the hype. I love proper hardcore especially Negative Approach but not that whiny shit.
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