Controversial opinions on metal

Black metal. I really do not know what to do about this subgenre. So very little of it do I like. I hardly ever put on any Burzum, Mayhem, or Emperor. I totally listen to Immortal, though it is the thrashy and death-like elements that keep me coming back. It seems to me like black metal is background music, and I have always given music my full attention while listening to it.
Black metal. I really do not know what to do about this subgenre. So very little of it do I like. I hardly ever put on any Burzum, Mayhem, or Emperor. I totally listen to Immortal, though it is the thrashy and death-like elements that keep me coming back. It seems to me like black metal is background music, and I have always given music my full attention while listening to it.

Darkthrone 100% keep my attention actually, but I understand what you're saying. I'm very picky about Black Metal but the albums I like, I really like.

I've liked most of the black metal I've heard. The only exception is any Emperor before Anthems. For whatever reason I can't get into it.
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Merciless was an awesome band, and Rogga had some of the sickest vocals ever! Aura Noir might have been "influenced" by them, but I would have just straight ripped them off!
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The Awakening actually hasn't been holding up so well for me. It's still good, but it's only one step above Pleasure to Kill in terms of extremity, and the songwriting overall is probably less interesting. I'd rather listen to Protector or Poison these days.
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Yeah, Infernal Majesty is amazing, I didn't really appreciate them properly until recently. Their second album is surprisingly good too, at the very least much better than what nearly any other 80s thrash band was doing in the 94-99 period. The Hell Awaits thing particularly shows in the way they write their songs, not "progressive" maybe but more intricate than most that were just about speed and brutality.
Yeah, Infernal Majesty is amazing, I didn't really appreciate them properly until recently. Their second album is surprisingly good too, at the very least much better than what nearly any other 80s thrash band was doing in the 94-99 period. The Hell Awaits thing particularly shows in the way they write their songs, not "progressive" maybe but more intricate than most that were just about speed and brutality.

I fully agree, there's some very different pacing going on with that album, which makes it stand out.
I haven't actually heard their second effort though, I should rectify that.

I wouldn't say rare. Early Kreator, early Sepultura, Devastation, Slayer, Demolition Hammer, Morbid Saint, Sadus, Dark Angel, Malleus Maleficarum, etc. are all about as aggressive/intense/sinister than just about anything else out there.

I don't think any of those bands have the same kind of aura I was suggesting but I see what you're saying regardless.
I more meant atmosphere in a very Black Metal sense of the word. It's almost like a great 1978-1982 horror film, it takes it's time and builds tension with the listener, then it hits you in the face, then it pulls back to re-establish that tension, then it finishes you off.

I realise that sounds retarded.
Yeah, it's basically Mercyful Fate songwriting applied to thrash metal. First-wave black metal, aka the good trad metal-influenced stuff. There's just nicer dynamics than you get in a lot of extreme thrash, like that bridge section in Necrophiliac or some of the melodies in Overlord or the doomy bits in Night of the Living Dead or etc. Not that there's anything wrong with straight ahead speed, but with a few exceptions that stuff just isn't as creative.

btw, anyone into that should check out Slaughterchrist, a super kvlt band with a couple demos circa 1988-90 from Utah. A bit more extreme than Slayer of Infernal Majesty, maybe even some Morbid Angel seeping in, but they've got the dynamics too. Waiting for them to finally release a proper compilation.