Controversial opinions on metal

I know I have said some of this before, and people know my controversial stance regarding Slipknot (IMO they are not as bad as most people here think). I really do believe all of the following, and it will be interesting to see people's reactions.

Slipknot > AC DC
Slipknot > Led Zeppelin
Slipknot > WASP
Slipknot > non doomdeath Katatonia
Slipknot > Isis (not necessarily that controversial though, most people know Isis suck)
Slipknot > post AJFA Metallica
Slipknot > post RIP Megadeth
Slipknot > Dream Theater
Slipknot > any hip hop
Slipknot > any rock/idie/alt

Disagree with the bolded ones.
Slipknot > AC DC disagree
Slipknot > Led Zeppelin disagree
Slipknot > WASP don't care
Slipknot > non doomdeath Katatonia don't care
Slipknot > Isis (not necessarily that controversial though, most people know Isis suck) don't care
Slipknot > post AJFA Metallica don't care
Slipknot > post RIP Megadeth don't care
Slipknot > Dream Theater don't care
Slipknot > any hip hop disagree
Slipknot > any rock/idie/alt disagree

I know I have said some of this before, and people know my controversial stance regarding Slipknot (IMO they are not as bad as most people here think). I really do believe all of the following, and it will be interesting to see people's reactions.

Slipknot > AC DC
Slipknot > Led Zeppelin
Slipknot > WASP
Slipknot > non doomdeath Katatonia
Slipknot > Isis (not necessarily that controversial though, most people know Isis suck)
Slipknot > post AJFA Metallica
Slipknot > post RIP Megadeth
Slipknot > Dream Theater
Slipknot > any hip hop
Slipknot > any rock/idie/alt

Well it makes a lot of sense if you're either a fashion wanker or if you only listen to angry music and that's the only emotion you connect with from music. I don't like Led Zeppelin that much but I can just accept that a band were influential and not have to give some pretentious review of how they compare to 'what's heavy now' it's kind of irrelevant and stupid if you don't consider when the albums were released.

I don't care about Slipknot Vs post AJFA Metallica I would prefer not to listen to either, given the choice. You dislike rock (which is a gay opinion tbh) so I don't really expect you to like WASP or AC DC. I know you hate lyrics about women as well so again it's not exactly a very good rating of the actual music.

Dream Theater annoy me anyway.
I knew that would get a rise out of some people, and that is partially one of the reasons I posted it. Yes, I am musically narrow minded and obsessive compulsive (which is demonstrated by my urge to repeat things). And because of it, some people here take me to be an idiot, when more than likely, I'm actually more intelligent than they are.
I knew that would get a rise out of some people, and that is partially one of the reasons I posted it. Yes, I am musically narrow minded and obsessive compulsive (which is demonstrated by my urge to repeat things). And because of it, some people here take me to be an idiot, when more than likely, I'm actually more intelligent than they are (yes, I am one of the smartest people on here).

Ugh, I honestly thought you were a genius until you pulled the old "I'm smarter than pretty much anybody on here." I have no doubt that you're not an idiot in any way but unless Stephen Hawking starts posting here, anyone who says they're smarter than most on here looks like a masturbating dumbass with missing chromosomes.
Oh good lord...:err:


since saying that made it obvious that I care what people think about me.

To admit you're narrow-minded and then try to judge a major portion section of music and its bands. And then to strut forth and claim you're smarter than everyone else here.
One's musical taste is in no way, shape, or form indicative of their intelligence, no matter how narrow minded it may be. I must admit, though, that I shouldn't be saying that something "sucks" because I hate it. Saying that I dislike it is more accurate, since that can't be disputed, while saying that anything sucks can be argued forever. I am also well aware that the members of bands I hate are better musicians and songwriters than the members of some bands I like.

I am just trying to explain why I say what I say. Although, I really shouldn't care that most people on here think I'm a moron. I'm just showing my lack of confidence.