Controversial opinions on metal

You just need to stop striding around insulting tons of bands you lack an understanding of. It's no use being smart if everyone else sees you as a total asshole.

Go forth and die.
you know what's weird. ever since i started buying cd's I hate downloaders. i hated that guy who said he has 150gigs of music downloaded. what have you ppl done to me :(
Since the smartest person on the board has stated so, I'd like to fill the position of the dumbest. I can haz be graded on a curve?
i haven't listened to much neurosis... but the songs i've heard are terrible... honestly i just don't understand how someone can be a fan of metal and not enjoy the first five slayer albums...

I don't really like to pull the 'you're not listening to it right' card, but I really feel like listening to Neurosis does require a bit of effort since their musical style is so - nuanced I guess is the world. If you had caught me even a year ago I would've shared your opinion about them, but I had given them an honest try over the period of time from then to now and they've easily become one of my favorite bands.

Whether it is the more straightforward Given to the Rising or the far more detailed fusion of the albums Times of Grace and Grace (One album by Neurosis one by Tribes of Neurot (ambient project) - both Scott and Steve's bands played at the same time match up to create an album that is much more full than anything they've ever done, they require time.

I'd suggest you give Times of Grace/Grace a listen (I have an mp3 copy of the two combined as one if you want) and perhaps Given to the Rising (I mean Distill (Watching the Swarm) showcases a fantastic use of dynamics more so than most bands ever manage to do.)


Devin Townsend is one of the greatest musicians to grace the world of metal since Daniel Gildenlow formed his first band, Reality, in 1984.
He might be a great musician, but most of his work is complete shit

I'd understand if you're talking about SYL, but the world he has done under either Ocean Machine, Devin Townsend, or The Devin Townsend Band is absolutely amazing. Terria was an early favorite of mine when I got into metal, and it still maintains every bit of greatness that it had back then. Fantastic album.
Well, I heard Synchestra and thought it was absolute shit.

I have heard Ocean Machine is actually really good, but I've almost lost faith with most of his projects. Every SYL album I have heard has sucked shit
I never claimed to be the smartest. Nec is probably smarter, and a couple others maybe. I was just getting ENRAGED that people think I'm a retard.

So there's "maybe" a few people on the board smarter than you? Before I thought you were just angry, but apparently you believe that tripe. :guh:
Synchestra is great, but if you don't much like 'lighthearted' music then you're not going to like it. It is one of his in betweener albums though, most of his non-SYL work is really serious like Ocean Machine and Terria or silly like Ziltoid - but Synchestra is just in the middle really.
Neurosis are a great band and their albums souls at zero,times of grace, and given to the rising are especially mindblowing. I guess on a board like this majority of people are not going to be open towards bands like this. It's kinda pointless to even discuss about here.