Controversial opinions on metal

You can't really be that dense, can you? Maybe you should go back and read my last post again. Take your time, and read it out loud ... it might help.

Yoda meant that from the fucking start, you fuckers are just too dense and reactionary to read something twice before you fill your diapers.

So cute you warned me about it (again). At least when he calls you fat, he's correct.

What is the point of you being a moderator if you don't actually moderate the board? That was clearly an ad hominem. Didn't Deron just give us all a speech about flaming each other in result to a flame war that TechnicalBarbarity was involved in?

fwiw, Unquestionable Presence (after Testament's Demonic if it even counts) was the album that got me into death metal. I think that the basically-clean vocals, the standard tuning, lots of harmonies, etc make it pretty accessible for a non-extreme metal person to get into, so I can get with what Yoda or whoever said it. Part of the reason I immediately loved it was because it reminded me of the Super Castlevania IV soundtrack (specifically the jazzy lake track). :lol:

It's a shame Embrionic Death never followed up on Stream of Solidarity

That would be a good one for the demos thread. It's got that jazzy fluid Atheist pacing but more of the surface features (grunting/squealing vocals, pinch harmonics, a couple breakdowns iirc) of NYDM/hardcore. Fans of early tech/prog death should definitely hear it.
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i love the first half of WFIKTBD even more than TRITSIO, i think that's where they were at their most original and fluid. it's not as 'heavy' and 'dark' and 'primitive' as most acclaimed acts, i just find it to be sky-tearingly powerful music full of vivid imagery and intense emotion, and i've never heard a more unique death metal album right through the instruments, songwriting, production values etc. naturally it's gonna be an acquired taste as a result.

TRITSIO is extremely unique too but it has a little more old-school appeal because it's darker, extremely violent. but even then it's a more internal, psychological kind of violence, feels like it's shattering my mind into fragments, and you're vulnerable to these amazing emotional flourishes of theirs because you're immersed in such an unstable world. a lot of DM people don't really like emotion in their music the way ATG bring it. it almost serves a totally different purpose from most OSDM (although i challenge anyone not to headbang at least a little to 'kingdom gone'), so i've given up complaining when folks don't like it.
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What is the point of you being a moderator if you don't actually moderate the board? That was clearly an ad hominem. Didn't Deron just give us all a speech about flaming each other in result to a flame war that TechnicalBarbarity was involved in?


I've indicated numerous times to talk to Deron if you don't like what I'm doing. I'd prefer you talk to me first though.

In addition: Deron also elucidated numerous times to ignore people if they were using ad hominem attacks or flaming. People still can't seem to do this.
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Atheist are only more popular with the older crowd since they basically started off/came up during the death metal boom of the late 80's/early 90's, when a lot of those said people started listening to DM ... so yeah of course it was an introductory death metal band to a lot of us older guys. Definitely not what i would call an introductory death metal band today though.
Id think that nostalgia holds a bit influence in this argument. Obviously any tech death fan would hold Atheist in much higher regard than ATG. It's an apples to oranges comparison; everyone comparing the two bands should just stop. Both bands have had great albums, but ive never even thought of comparing them. Except for maybe their negative influence on DM, in which case ATG wins here with Slaughter.

As for MA, AoM is their best for me. Covenant was more focused but a little more boring. The rest of their discography follows this path: listenable, but mediocre.
Very good point and that bias is apparent in those arguing for each band. I personally prefer At The Gates because Technical Metal isn't my thing, I'd assume it's the same for Yoda and possibly Omni.

Tech death usually isnt my thing either, but when it's done well I cant help but like it. I think tech death fails most of the time because virtuosic guitar players think they can write good guitar solos, but usually they are just trying to show off rather than writing something truly appropriate. I guess this is why I usually covet tech bands higher than normal bands, but overall id agree with the poster who would rather just put on Asphyx/Bolt Thrower/etc.
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