Controversial opinions on metal

Not when we are talking about which band released good/bad albums, that really has nothing to do with how different they are from each other. That's not so hard to grasp now, is it?

The Chasm isn't at all a good band to compare to Megadeth in terms of consistency.
... well, duh.

The Chasm isn't at all a good band to compare to Megadeth in terms of consistency. There's really no justification to use them in that type of analogy unless you're just trying to be passive-aggressive towards people who like them.

First off, i like The Chasm too.

But here, let me refresh your short term memory loss...

The Chasm's last several albums haven't been garbage. I don't think there's any valid reason to expect Megadeth to release a relevant album ever again

:lol: can you possibly be any more contradicting? You were actually the second person here to compare the bands in the same manner in which you are right now trying to complain about. :lol:

Anyway, to say band A has had more good albums than band B has absolutely nothing to do with comparing their actual style of music to each other. If i have to explain that to you, than you truly are hopeless. And even if we were to compare them in the manner which you are implying, then Megadeth have released better thrash metal albums than The Chasm has released DM albums.

edit: i dont know why the fuck my shit keeps getting edited out. Next time you guys decide to edit shit out of my post, let me know about it. You deleted a HUGE part of this post where i basically had to stop myself from rolling around on the ground from laughter because i was called passive aggressive by someone who is defined by that phrase. It's basically her UM trademark and she seems to live by it. And if you guys are going to delete stuff out, make sure to DELETE ALL angles of it out, not just my responses while not touching their initial statements.
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Weird how he took out the part of my post that showed me saying that it didn't really make sense to compare them before writing an essay on how I was contradicting myself. It couldn't have been done accidentally either since it was the middle of the paragraph and everything else is still there.

Either way, I'm going to say it again:

I don't understand why people on this site commonly bring totally different bands into discussions when bands that they do like face even minor criticism, unless their goal is to deflect that criticism in a direction that is totally irrelevant to a conversation. If the bands don't have a common musical style or situational similarity, there's no reason to do it unless you're just trying to piss people off. Getting mad if people defend the band that's been brought into the discussion is also a serious trend here.

I've seen this a lot since I came back. I don't remember how common it used to be.
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Listen up you fuckers (said out of love) - I sent warnings and messages to all who needed to receive them, drop this argument/flaming stuff now, get back on track with the thread.

I have heard good things about the new Megadeth. I had also written them off - but hey - a good album is a good album and I will check out any album that gets good word of mouth, "written off" or not.
Listen up you fuckers (said out of love) - I sent warnings and messages to all who needed to receive them, drop this argument/flaming stuff now, get back on track with the thread.

I have heard good things about the new Megadeth. I had also written them off - but hey - a good album is a good album and I will check out any album that gets good word of mouth, "written off" or not.

No disrespect but sending warnings to people for having controversial opinions on the 'Controversial opinions' thread is a little self-defeating don't you think?

I didn't join in so don't think I'm trying to defend myself here, just an observation.
it did go a bit beyond that tbh lol. i think this forum's been a lot better recently though deron, re: flaming etc, and on the occasions it does spill out this is the best thread for it. everyone was nice and productive here for example, whereas i can imagine people just fucking around in the past and giving him shit for calling the sword obscure or making a fairly generic thread etc. there's been quite a few instances recently where i've expected something to descend into people being dicks and it's ended up fine. just sayin'
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it did go a bit beyond that tbh lol. i think this forum's been a lot better recently though deron, re: flaming etc, and on the occasions it does spill out this is the best thread for it. everyone was nice and productive here for example, whereas i can imagine people just fucking around in the past and giving him shit for calling the sword obscure or making a fairly generic thread etc. there's been quite a few instances recently where i've expected something to descend into people being dicks and it's ended up fine. just sayin'

Yeah I expected that thread to turn to shit so I tried to open it up at least somewhat politely. I don't know if that helped or not, but in the past it hasn't saved threads.

We could use some new blood around here, why run them off I figure.
I remember when I first came back to this forum a couple of months ago and there were these two hilarious concurrent arguments in the same thread involving four people. Oh man, the thought still makes me smile. Wish I could remember where I saw it.

Anyway, it's an odd conversation, this one here, because music is obviously pretty subjective. I've never heard this so called Chasm band, but it was funny seeing people struggle to even agree if they were good or not, or better than Megadeth or not, or a valid comparison to Megadeth in terms of quality output in their respective genres. So funny!

I've heard three songs from the new Megadeth album and I guess they're pretty cool, but like I said somewhere else, there's really nothing in them to make me want to play them again when there is much amazing music out at the moment.
I've checked out the new Megadeth, and I've pretty much always disliked them.

Super solid stuff. Vocals are a lot deeper and less grating, in addition to some fun 'epic' intros here n there. Based on first listen I'd go a 7\10. And again, never cared for them.
Havent heard the new Megadeth album. With Megadeth, I've always liked a bunch of songs from them. But a lot of their songs sound very similar, tbh. Not shitting on them, I do enjoy listening to a good Megadeth track when I hear it, but they are hardly comparable to The Chasm. I would be willing to check out the new album, eventually.