Controversial opinions on metal

Try the track Blood on Satan's Claw from the Ritual Steel split (more easily available on Death is Glory... Now). Great uptempo song and awsome live singalong!
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i'm listening to it now. you must be on smack if you think omni's gonna like this haha. i'm pleasantly surprised by how restrained it is in terms of pacing and tempo, it's pretty patient and its ideas are allowed to breathe without overcomplications getting in the way. unfortunately it's overprocessed to shit (i can forgive that to an extent in dystopian tech-thrash but c'mon this sounds like garbage) and there's way too much groove and meatheaded chug-a-chuggin' and tacky masturbatory solos (a few good ones too) etc for my tastes. also his vocals are really amusingly self-serious like he doesn't realise how cheesy this shit is, which only enhances the sense that this so-called 'dystopia' is more the embarrassing hand-wringing of an out-of-touch middle-aged conspiracy theorist than anything actually oppressive or menacing. my fav song on first playthrough turned out to be a fear cover, which says it all really.

anyways, can't say i didn't give it a try! 'tis better than quite a few albums released by legendary bands in the past few years, though that's a double-edged compliment at best lol.
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i'm listening to it now. you must be on smack if you think omni's gonna like this haha. i'm pleasantly surprised by how restrained it is in terms of pacing and tempo, it's pretty patient and its ideas are allowed to breathe without overcomplications getting in the way. unfortunately it's overprocessed to shit (i can forgive that to an extent in dystopian tech-thrash but c'mon this sounds like garbage) and there's way too much groove and meatheaded chug-a-chuggin' and tacky masturbatory solos (a few good ones too) etc for my tastes. also his vocals are really amusingly self-serious like he doesn't realise how cheesy this shit is, which only enhances the sense that this so-called 'dystopia' is more the embarrassing hand-wringing of an out-of-touch middle-aged conspiracy theorist than anything actually oppressive or menacing. my fav song on first playthrough turned out to be a fear cover, which says it all really.

anyways, can't say i didn't give it a try! 'tis better than quite a few albums released by legendary bands in the past few years, though that's a double-edged compliment at best lol.

Haha good points. I read the lyrics to the first two songs while listening and they were like motivational posters for conspiration theorists so I went on to read the reviews and tried to ignore the lyrics. The reviews are like 90% avg on ma saying how awesome the riffs and solos are.
i'm listening to it now. you must be on smack if you think omni's gonna like this haha. i'm pleasantly surprised by how restrained it is in terms of pacing and tempo, it's pretty patient and its ideas are allowed to breathe without overcomplications getting in the way. unfortunately it's overprocessed to shit (i can forgive that to an extent in dystopian tech-thrash but c'mon this sounds like garbage) and there's way too much groove and meatheaded chug-a-chuggin' and tacky masturbatory solos (a few good ones too) etc for my tastes. also his vocals are really amusingly self-serious like he doesn't realise how cheesy this shit is, which only enhances the sense that this so-called 'dystopia' is more the embarrassing hand-wringing of an out-of-touch middle-aged conspiracy theorist than anything actually oppressive or menacing. my fav song on first playthrough turned out to be a fear cover, which says it all really.

anyways, can't say i didn't give it a try! 'tis better than quite a few albums released by legendary bands in the past few years, though that's a double-edged compliment at best lol.

Coincidentally, the album is talking about a Dystopian society and your rating on RYM is 'society'
So much discussion on here about the new Megadeth? I think I could only be bothered listening to that album for less than 5 minutes which is probably a bit rough on my behalf but I think 5mins would be heaps for me.
Opinion: The albums from the big 4 post-1997 (Cryptic Writings) are ranked like this:

1) Endgame
2) The World Needs a Hero
____________________big gap in quality
3) Death Magnetic
4) United Abominations
5) Dystopia
6) The System Has Failed
7) Garage Inc.
__________________gap #2
8) Worship Music

nothing else from the big 4 in that period is even worth listening to.