Controversial opinions on metal

Abbath and Nocturno Culto are the stars of 1990s Norway black metal in terms of vocals. Early Varg Vikernes is good too, but not as cool as those guys.

Dead is turning in his grave due to Omni's incomplete role-call, but yes I do agree with this except I'd take Varg above Abbath. Yes Dead is Swedish but still counts.
I don't really count him, since all he did with Mayhem was a demo and two live recordings (that I know of).

If everybody else thinks he should be included though, then sure he deserves a top spot.

1. Live in Leipzig slays 99% of black metal releases ever. His voice on this alone is the greatest vocal performance in black metal. The Black Hearts bootleg and Carnage/Freezing Moon studio tracks and the Out from the Dark rehearsal leave close to two and a half hours of material.
2. He introduced corpse paint to black metal as we know it. (Obviously he didn't invent it so spare me the history lesson).
3. He wrote the lyrics for 'De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas'
4. He introduced several significant elements of behaviour and personality that became staples of the Norwegian scene. Some less savoury than others.
5. Freezing Moon will forever be the black metal anthem. His intro to this song on Live in Leipzig the greatest moment in black metal history caught on tape.

He counts.
Early Varg is the best from the Norwegian scene. Love Nocturno Culto as well. Garm kills it on a lot of those records too. I've never been crazy about Abbath's vocals. There's a mechanical quality to his voice that has never sat quite right with me.
Pretty much same here, word for word.

Atilla Csihar is also one of the stars of early 90s black metal imo. I know he is Hungarian but he sang on one of the defining moments of Norwegian black metal so it counts. His voice is just fucking... unsettling.
I didn't include Attila because he isn't a Norwegian and he was already an established vocalist before he recorded with Mayhem, but his voice is incredible. I think that Dead is overrated and I would never consider him the best Norwegian vocalist or anywhere close. I don't think that he would be as popular if he didn't kill himself.
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I've gone from hating Atila to at least tolerating him. For a long time, I wanted DMDS to be something it's not. Now I accept it for what it is. That said, Atila's performance on DMDS will never be one of my favorites.

Another great vocal performance is Ihsahn on ATWAD. Perfectly captures the balance of power and decreptitude that epitomizes the black metal aesthetic.
Wtf people, Dead is easily better than Attila, atleast in Mayhem. I love DMDS and all, but everytime I listen to the studio version of Freezing Moon with Dead I just feel like this is how it is supposed to sound. While Attila is much more unique and has an certain appeal too Deads voice is much colder and fitting imo.

Nocturno Culto is probably the overall winner though!
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seeing nocturno culto doing 'transilvanian hunger', 'under a funeral moon', 'kathaarian life code' and 'the hordes of nebulah' live in front of a huge crowd cloaked in darkness with perfect sound quality was pretty much the highlight of my entire life.
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^that is awsome! Wish I took the chance to see that when I had it.

My favorite live experiance us probably either when I saw Celtic Frost at Sweden Rock Festival the year they hade their reunion tur, don't remeber when but I was in the front row and darkness had just fallen and it was just super heavy and super atmospheric.

That or the final Reverend Bizarre show they did before quitting. It was invite only and they played three sets, one more normal, one with unusual songs they never or almost never played live before and the final one was In the Rectory back to back. With Cirith Ungol as the final song. Awsome stuff.
There's an earnestness in Dead's vocal performance probably due to him being the author of these words. Attila was interpreting them as best as he could and, as great as his performance on DMDS is, it's largely tributary. Dead died in April of 1991 which obviously predates any album from the Norwegian second wave (Darkthrone's death stuff aside), and it's additionally significant to consider how influential he was.

Apart from all of this circumstantial significance, however, is the tone of his voice which for me is the best.

Also as someone pointed out, Ihsahn was amazing on this first few releases for Emperor. I'd rate him above Abbath too.

Nocturno's performance on En Vind Av Sorg is also transcendental.
Pretty much same here, word for word.

Atilla Csihar is also one of the stars of early 90s black metal imo. I know he is Hungarian but he sang on one of the defining moments of Norwegian black metal so it counts. His voice is just fucking... unsettling.

His voice is very unsettling! Ordo ad Chao just sounds creepy in an awesome way.
I'm sad I missed the recent discussion on The Chasm and I'm not sure how controversial this is but,

I find The Spell of Retribution to be easily the weakest of their past 5 records (I'm not familiar enough with their first 2 yet to rank those), it drags on in places and at times can almost become a chore to sit through. Deathcult and Procession are tied for my favourites and are among my favourite metal albums of all time.

As for thrash, Hell Awaits is far and away my favourite from that genre. I've yet to find another thrash record that creates the psychotic, violent and hellish atmosphere as well as this does.
I'm sad I missed the recent discussion on The Chasm and I'm not sure how controversial this is but,

I find The Spell of Retribution to be easily the weakest of their past 5 records (I'm not familiar enough with their first 2 yet to rank those), it drags on in places and at times can almost become a chore to sit through. Deathcult and Procession are tied for my favourites and are among my favourite metal albums of all time.

As for thrash, Hell Awaits is far and away my favourite from that genre. I've yet to find another thrash record that creates the psychotic, violent and hellish atmosphere as well as this does.

i like you already, stick around plsthx
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