Controversial opinions on metal

Alright, so here's for my next controversial metal opinion:

I think a lot of glam metal bands wrote some really good, rockin' music. I admit that not all of it is quite "metal" - some of it is and some of it isn't. I'm not sure if this is a controversial opinion or not, but I know a good number of metalheads despise glam metal. I for one think there's a lot of really good stuff to be found by a lot those bands. I think Appetite for Destruction is an absolutely phenomenal album, and I would call it superior to the vast majority of metal albums you can think of.
Are you at least willing to accept that it's reasonable for a person to dislike extreme metal on the grounds that the vocals lack the melody of traditional vocals? It sounds like this is a problem for you, like you feel that I'm irrational for desiring clean vocals in my metal. You say that clean vocals wouldn't go well with extreme metal, but I personally think they would. Is this unreasonable? Is this "gay"?

I appreciate the dialogue. Again, my intent is not to stir up controversy..
You are the one that came here calling harsh vocals "shameful" and "disgraceful". You keep pretending like you're mr reasonable and can't understand why everyone is giving you such a hard time, but all you've done since you got here is spout falsities and completely ignore valid point after valid point made against your 'argument'. And you do it all in this grating obnoxious, condescending, passive aggressive way, using Wikipedia and some book you read as the ultimate truth to support your position.

Alright, so here's for my next controversial metal opinion:

I think a lot of glam metal bands wrote some really good, rockin' music. I admit that not all of it is quite "metal" - some of it is and some of it isn't. I'm not sure if this is a controversial opinion or not, but I know a good number of metalheads despise glam metal. I for one think there's a lot of really good stuff to be found by a lot those bands. I think Appetite for Destruction is an absolutely phenomenal album, and I would call it superior to the vast majority of metal albums you can think of.
Not controversial. Plenty of people here like hair metal. GnR suck balls though.
ya i don't think anyone had an issue with him hating extreme vocals, it was the claims of objectivity and baseless ad hominem attacks that were annoying.

re: glam, we had a pretty fawning alice cooper thread a couple weeks ago. i need to check out more of his/their stuff.
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Retarded self and life hating black metal musicians need to get fucking shot.

Alright so I would say that my main genres I listen to now a days would be doom, old school death and black metal. My problem with a lot of black metal musicians, I like the music, but their opinions on life and everything is just so warped, it's like they think it makes them fit in or something. I make black metal music but I do it because I think it's fun and I like to tell stories with it, that's fucking all. Yeah I'm not trying to act unique it just annoys the fuck out of me
You are the one that came here calling harsh vocals "shameful" and "disgraceful". You keep pretending like you're mr reasonable and can't understand why everyone is giving you such a hard time, but all you've done since you got here is spout falsities and completely ignore valid point after valid point made against your 'argument'. And you do it all in this grating obnoxious, condescending, passive aggressive way, using Wikipedia and some book you read as the ultimate truth to support your position.
I realize that it's a controversial view, but I'm trying to put it forth in the most reasonable way. And I haven't ignored any points that were brought up. I feel I've dealt with the objections that were raised. Which point do you feel I didn't address?

Basically, I do not and probably never will understand the appeal to harsh extreme vocals. And perhaps it may sound condescending when I say this, but I do honestly and sincerely believe that their usage ruins the sound of metal. I know of several other metalheads who also feel this way, but it seems our opinion is of the minority. I will admit, I am a bit surprised and disappointed at the reaction my opinion has received. I knew harsh vocals were accepted by some, but never thought that nearly everyone would jump in to defend them.
The vast majority of posters on GMD (from what I have seen) listen to at least some form of black or death metal and so of course they will defend the use of harsh vocals. You might get more people agreeing with you in the old-school section, I don't know, I've never visited it.
It depends on the band and the album, really. Some of it is metal, some of it is hard rock. I've always liked it, and will always defend it. "Shout at the Devil" is one my favorite albums of all time, and don't try to tell me it isn't metal.
Extreme vocals are like the best fucking aspect of metal. It's hard not to love the sick, disgusting filth that some of these guys can bring. I like clean vocals too, a lot, but if you can't get into extreme vocals then you're going to miss out on a lot of amazing bands.
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Sorry dude, but in this case you are fundamentally, flat out wrong. Motley Crue is a heavy metal band. And a good one too.