Controversial opinions on metal

Opinions can't infect people with AIDS, but really bad music can.

Honestly,if thousands of Dimmu Borgir backlashers can't deter him from enjoying their albums, do you think a statement like yours can?

I've exposed TSOP bashing as the trend that it is. There's nothing particularly wrong with this album outside of a really fat guitar tone and the inability to evoke a feeling other than "that's awesome riffage right there". But to be honest, the same can be said about Atheist and most classic speed metal albums.
Interesting analysis, and I agree that Atheist were innovative, but all the rest is debatable, and is clearly an attempt to validate the band's music merely for being among the pioneers who have released their albums during the formative years of the genre.

Now, this may be a stretch, but I imagine that had Unquestionbable Presence been released in the late 90s, no one* ( I stand corrected, no Hessian-- is that what you call yourself?)would have given it the props that it received. I find that it bears a lot of the sound characteristics for which most technical death metal nowadays is written off by purists as soulless trash.
Form follows function: tepid, timid content leads to tepid, timid music.

not really... Bach's B Minor Mass is clearly as Christian in content as it gets yet its a work of fucking genius. So just because you may find Chuck's lyrical content to be tripe doesn't therefore mean the music itself is bad.
Werd, I'll check 'em out.

I could hardly give a rat's ass about production. I just think the songwriting on Blessed is pretty high-quality. Well, I do think the production on that album makes it sound really weak compared to the later ones, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying it.

Sorry, I'm just not buying it.In order to understand the way many
extreme metal albums are structured, you need to learn to appreciate the production on those albums. Only then will something that may sound initially like amorphous noise emerge
as well-written music. It seems to me that you're simply choosing albums that sound aesthetically pleasing to your ears.
With all sincerity though, we all do this "natural selection" of sorts, even if we don't always openly admit it to ourselves.
How, precisely, is the production of Blessed are the Sick 'weak'? It's a ballsy, gut churning mix, it's just not as hot as most modern discs. But who gives a shit? That's why your stereo comes with a volume knob.
inability to evoke a feeling

i love how you always say this as a passing comment rather than emphasising it as a crippling flaw.

thing is it's pretty difficult to make music which genuinely does nothing but numb the mind, even complete atonality doesn't exist in a vacuum, but TSOP is so full of illogical transitions and random displays of virtuosity that it rarely builds any tangible mood, even within single passages.

same doesn't apply to atheist, there's definitely a pretty consistent atmosphere and flow on 'unquestionable presence' whether it appeals or not. 'elements', sure, that album is arguably as bad as TSOP anyway. which speed metal albums did you have in mind?

production is crucial btw, pretty much without exception
Good one. I can admit "Spirit Crusher" is catchy, just a few minutes too long...and "Bite The Pain" is fun (and hilarious; check out the SUPER RANDOM SHREDDING in one of the verses iirc, and Chuck's voice cracking).