Controversial opinions on metal

yeah i know very little about downloadin which is why i've hardly done any... so i have no idea really what you guys' suggestions even mean... :lol: fuck i'm old
There is a good guide on Soulseek's main website that shows you how to get started up. It's a very simple program when you get used to it, and is easily the best way to download music of the obscure nature.
I find rapidshare/megaupload + band-album name to be the most effective way to find albums.
And as far as I know, rapidshare has removed the waiting period between downloads. Now, free users can download one file after another, just not two or more at the same time, and you only need to wait 30-45 seconds for the download to start(it used to be 2.7 minutes).
I find rapidshare/megaupload + band-album name to be the most effective way to find albums.
And as far as I know, rapidshare has removed the waiting period between downloads. Now, free users can download one file after another, just not two or more at the same time, and you only need to wait 30-45 seconds for the download to start(it used to be 2.7 minutes).

Hit artist/album in the drop down. Type in what you're looking for and it will seach not only rapidshare and megaupload but a bunch more.
Thats what I've been doing for awhile now but have you noticed that those cocksuckers at Rapidshare turned what used to be a 4 minute download into a 20 minute:mad:

Does anyone know how to avoid their long wait (and without paying their monthly fees)?

The wait time recently has decreased to like 30seconds, and no more ridiculously gay image thats impossible to read to get a download
The wait time recently has decreased to like 30seconds, and no more ridiculously gay image thats impossible to read to get a download
They decreased the wait time BUT it takes 20 minutes to download an album now. It USED to be 4 minutes. Has anyone else noticed this?
The wait time recently has decreased to like 30seconds, and no more ridiculously gay image thats impossible to read to get a download
Seriously, those letter images with dogs and cats were absolutely dreadful. I often spent a lot of time figuring out where the cat was.