Controversial opinions on metal

Seriously, those letter images with dogs and cats were absolutely dreadful. I often spent a lot of time figuring out where the cat was.

The ones after that were even worse. Fucknig grayscale dots at a like retarded angle I had to bend my head in every direction for it.
Just got SoulSeek to work, someone name some really really obscure bands so I can test it's capabilities.
Of course it's huge, but it must be at least relatively shitty if they can't bother to encode things so they don't sound and often look like shit. It does depend on the source imagery/sound of course also, but Myspace does the same thing. Lame imo.
You realize they do it so that a larger number of people can conveniently access it. Not enough people have super-high-speed internet to warrant an upgrade to something that a large percentage of internet users cannot access without waiting 10 minutes for half the thing to buffer.
A lot of the times Youtube vids fail to load even on good computers with good processors and good connections. It's a lame site with a few things worth keeping it for imo.
Seriously, those letter images with dogs and cats were absolutely dreadful. I often spent a lot of time figuring out where the cat was.

lol, i remember that. it's great being a member, all you have to do is click the link and it automatically starts downloading, you don't even have to load up a rapidshare page or anything. it's also really cheap for that matter, some of you might want to consider getting an account