Controversial opinions on metal

I'll do say that anyone who likes Meshuggah but calls Dream Theater "boring wankery" (and I've seen people say that) better find another excuse for hating DT. I can appreciate Meshuggah's insane technicality sometimes, but anyone who claims their music has more soul than DT doesn't know what he/she's talking about.

All I have by Mesguggah is "Nothing"...


That shit is not very technical & there's no wank to be found anywhere on it. It's just a bunch of odd time 2-3 chord riffs strung together with an occasional weird non-shreddy guitar solo.

Where is this technical wanky Meshuggah stuff everyone always talks about??? I would be interested in hearing it. "Nothing" is not that great.
-All Black Sabbath puts me to sleep
-Number of the Beast is the only album after Killers I can listen to all the way through, Bruce sounds terrible to me most of the time
-Brutal Death and Grindcore are nothing but noise
-I hate Anthrax (although that's probably not controversial, if it is, then it shouldn't be)
-I have yet heard a good Dio album (I'm talking about Dio personally, that includes his Sabbath stuff). Although his Rainbow stint was decent
-I don't like the Black Album, but I thought St. Anger was good
-All Black Sabbath puts me to sleep

-I hate Anthrax (although that's probably not controversial, if it is, then it shouldn't be)
Although his Rainbow stint was decent
-I don't like the Black Album, but I thought St. Anger was good
You obviously aren't listening to Volume 4then.
Yes Anthrax sucks and thats probably controversial on these boards. Some get defensive over old school thrash. I personally hate most of it.
Rainbow is awesome.
Both albums suck.
All I have by Mesguggah is "Nothing"...


That shit is not very technical & there's no wank to be found anywhere on it. It's just a bunch of odd time 2-3 chord riffs strung together with an occasional weird non-shreddy guitar solo.

Where is this technical wanky Meshuggah stuff everyone always talks about??? I would be interested in hearing it. "Nothing" is not that great.

The drum work.
Meshuggah sound nothing like Gorguts, and I don't think that they'd necessarily appeal to Gorguts fans. The only thing that is complex about Meshuggah is the rhythms. They are ok in small doses, but get boring rather quickly. I have Chaossphere, and that pretty much sounds like all their albums, except the first one, which is more thrashy.