Controversial opinions on metal

I said a concert I saw, the guitarist played no scales, it was a long time ago, maybe 20 years. I havent listened to them since as I find them very boring. I wouldnt and dont ever have a desire to play a Radiohead song. It isnt my cup of Tea. I do like Artistic music, and I can see that this is artistic, but theres something basic and simple about it, I am not fooled easily.

I'm not familiar with their oldest music (or much of their music at all), but I sincerely doubt that none of it contains musical scales. Someone more familiar with songs from that era could probably provide examples of songs and the scales used in them.
Johnny Greenwood plays multiple instruments, arranges Radiohead's music, is responsible for much of the sampling/electronic stuff, and scores movie soundtracks, so I'm pretty sure he knows what a scale is.

What he does now, and what he did on the concert I saw is not the same then. My statement remains true, he played no scales on the concert I saw. You see I dont make shit up, what you get from me is the truth. I dont have an ego like some people on here seem to have. You cant make a statement about anything without someone arguing about it for pages of threads, and the motive is generally arrogance and to try to appear to others that you know more and are more intelligent than others. On the pyramid song, and I have now heard it once, there isnt a distinct guitar on it at all, it will be heavily disguised through effects or be a non standard instrument, but to a casual listener to that song, a standard guitar sound doesnt seem to happen.
Thinking about this, what does it even mean? Do you mean their songs never incorporate motifs that conform to a given scale? Do you mean he never played any solos? What did this observation of yours actually consist of?

Well, late one night I got home and there was Radiohead on telly, a concert, and being a guitarist I watched it, and what struck me was that a lot of his guitar work ( whomever the guitarist is called ) seemed to play just arpegios around chord shapes, I didnt see him play a single scale run through the concert whenever he was on camera. And his guitar work was so basic, he had to be self-taught. I have seen hundreds of concerts of various guitarists and this one was extremely poor. This was about 20 years ago or so probably.
I'm not familiar with their oldest music (or much of their music at all), but I sincerely doubt that none of it contains musical scales. Someone more familiar with songs from that era could probably provide examples of songs and the scales used in them.

When he was on camera on the concert I saw no scales on it. His guitar work was very individual and Id say he was self-taught and not very versatile. If I remember he was using a telecaster. His G major power chord in the `Creep` song was used to good effect with volume and created an interesting mood, but he was using one finger and sort of running it up and down the neck on some of the songs I saw. This is 20 years ago so I cant be enetirely accurate but thats what I remember. When he was playing he moved one finger up the neck.
Well, late one night I got home and there was Radiohead on telly, a concert, and being a guitarist I watched it, and what struck me was that a lot of his guitar work ( whomever the guitarist is called ) seemed to play just arpegios around chord shapes, I didnt see him play a single scale run through the concert whenever he was on camera. And his guitar work was so basic, he had to be self-taught. I have seen hundreds of concerts of various guitarists and this one was extremely poor. This was about 20 years ago or so probably.

Technicality isn't really a consideration for me when deciding whether to like a band or not, so this doesn't really bother me. I wouldn't say his guitar work is basic, but no, he doesn't shred like Eddie Van Halen, you're right. It would sound a bit weird if he did, though.
Technicality isn't really a consideration for me when deciding whether to like a band or not, so this doesn't really bother me. I wouldn't say his guitar work is basic, but no, he doesn't shred like Eddie Van Halen, you're right. It would sound a bit weird if he did, though.

You havent got the slightest clue about what the reason for me mentioning it have you? you keep going off on these tangents about things that have no relation whatsoever to the context. Those characteristics, as you display are openers for constant arguing.
You come across as very arrogant. You need to discuss things and not put yourself forward in posts as being an expert on things and act aloof.

Chill out - I retract that comment as you did explain what you meant a little more after I posted it. I think you're coming at whether or not to appreciate music from entirely the wrong direction, but that's your right.
I posted about his guitar style earlier, as, it was because it was the most extreme type of style I had seen on a professional band. At the time I am used to Randy Rhoads and Alex Lifeson, and when I see this up and coming indie band, or whatever chategory people gave them, I was quite cynical that he wasnt very good on guitar. Obviously a good songwriter but his style seemed to me to be displaying a low standard.
You havent got the slightest clue about what the reason for me mentioning it have you? you keep going off on these tangents about things that have no relation whatsoever to the context. Those characteristics, as you display are openers for constant arguing.

What tangent am I going off on? My point is that it's pretty obvious you're evaluating Radiohead by the standards of some other shit you like and completely overlooking what they do well. Your criticism of them is about as intelligent as disliking Black Flag because Henry Rollins hasn't got the same vocal range as Miley Cyrus.
Chill out - I retract that comment as you did explain what you meant a little more after I posted it. I think you're coming at whether or not to appreciate music from entirely the wrong direction, but that's your right.

My concern is that what I posted about an observation I made, is true, and it is an interesting point to make in the discussion, my concern is that in this forum you end up getting drawn into an argument for about ten pages about something that is not only true but that isnt so important to be drawn into an argument. I like peace and quiet and happiness.
What tangent am I going off on? My point is that it's pretty obvious you're evaluating Radiohead by the standards of some other shit you like. Your criticism of them is about as intelligent as disliking Black Flag because Henry Rollins hasn't got the same vocal range as Miley Cyrus.

Yes I am evaluating the guitarists ability I saw on the concert on telly 20 years ago. That is a statement I made a long time ago. I state something, and like about a few pages later after going on about it for ages you suddenly seem to cotton on to the reason I posted it. Which the statement I made is valid in context of the thread. You then after finally stating the obvious make a statement that either means you dislike the truth I wrote because you are a fanboy of them, or that you see this as an argument and dont want to lose face. When I saw that concert the guitarist didnt seem very technically good. This is another, you say `your criticism of them is about as intelligent as` etc, well for one it isnt about `them` its about the guitarist, and if you think that someone posting about a guitarist being low-standard technically is non-intelligent, then you need to look at yourself and how you perceive things that others post.
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Okay let me break this down.

1.) Playing scales isn't an indication of guitar playing ability - every amateur guitarist who's been playing guitar for a week practices scales, so the idea that Johnny Greenwood never incorporates scales into his music because he is incapable of playing them is patently absurd.

2.) Johnny Greenwood's ability as a guitarist, past or present, has very little to do with the quality of composition found in Radiohead's songs.

3.) If you want to listen to a shred fest, go listen to some Jeff Loomis or Brain Drill. If you want original, emotionally complex music with a wide variety of influences, listen to Radiohead.
Okay let me break this down.

1.) Playing scales isn't an indication of guitar playing ability - every amateur guitarist who's been playing guitar for a week practices scales, so the idea that Johnny Greenwood never incorporates scales into his music because he is incapable of playing them is patently absurd.

2.) Johnny Greenwood's ability as a guitarist, past or present, has very little to do with the quality of composition found in Radiohead's songs.

3.) If you want to listen to a shred fest, go listen to some Jeff Loomis or Brain Drill. If you want original, emotionally complex music with a wide variety of influences, listen to Radiohead.

You are a very argumentative person. His guitar style had no scales in them, he was playing up and down the neck with the same barre chord for a lot of the show and any note runs he did were played with one finger moving up and down, this gives me the impression that he isnt or wasnt technically brilliant. I pointed this out. You go off into all this other stuff that has nothing to do with the observational point I made.
You are a very repetitive person. I'm not disagreeing with your observation, I'm just telling you that it's a stupid observation. The "other stuff" is the reason why it's stupid.

Now you are saying that the observation I made and that I pointed out, that is true, is now ` its a stupid observation`. You are very argumentative.
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You now are trying to give yourself the high ground about all the nonesense you have written and argued about, from the simple post I made about what I saw when I watched a Radiohead concert. You can make that picture you downloaded and make it bigger if you wish, will it have more effect? If someone shouts something that isnt true, and repeats it over and over, shouting it, does that make it true, because volume?? Its a puerile way of conducting a discussion. I basically posted an observation I made about a guitarist, and you have gone epic on it lol.