Controversial opinions on metal

Remind me again why the fuck there is a sub genre of death metal called brutal death metal? I mean I tried listening to Suffocation and it doesn't sound anymore brutal than regular death metal so the name seems rather misleading.

Suffocation is brutal death metal but also osdm so they don't sound so far gone. (I wouldn't even call their newer releases bdm at this point) Go listen to Guttural Secrete, Gorgasm, Torsofuck or Devourment. If those aren't different enough for you than plain death metal I feel like you may need your hearing checked.
They're a difficult one for me, because as I've said I don't think they've produced any one album that deserves to be included in a "greatest of all time" list or w/e. Their early albums were really solid, but nothing revolutionary. What makes them stand out for me, though, is their consistency, plus the fact that their last few albums have absolutely crushed. Even the albums that most people dislike (Gore Obsessed, Gallery of Suicide) are still far from being bad - they just don't quite live up to the standard of the rest.

I can't get enough of this CC track:

This song is pretty different from what I remember about them. It's enjoyable, I like it.
This song is pretty different from what I remember about them. It's enjoyable, I like it.

Glad someone checked that out... too many people associate CC with the sound on The Bleeding and Tomb of the Mutilated, which is fun but superficial. After Pat O'Brien joined the band they evolved into a different beast, and albums like Kill exemplify what modern death metal should sound like IMO.
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Think I'm going to make a top 20 of my favorite death metal albums but I'm debating on using comps and demos.
I always feel like people just try to outkvlt each other when they include demos and eps in those lists. Seriously bro this 7 minute demo by a band that never recorded a full length and existed for three weeks in 1990 is the greatest death metal ever released.

No, it's not.
So because a band never released a full length, it automatically means that their demos/EPs that they did record can't be considered some of the best works within whatever genre they were in? Seems illogical to me. Not that I've ever seen a list where the number 1 is a 7 minute demo.

I can't think of many demos that regularly make best of lists at the minute, except Rippikoulu's Musta Seremonia, which I have no problem with someone listing, and I wouldn't consider them trying to be kvlt.
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Musta is full length sized. And no I don't think you can consider something incredibly short the best in a genre because it never really came full fruition.

Maybe I'm being biased because I get on NWN too much and those goofy opinions are more apt to run wild there.
Yeah, only thing I can think of that might come close is Goreaphobia's Vile Beast of Abomination. I tend to agree that the chances are a demo/comp inclusion would be for kvlt/individuality points rather than because it actually deserved to be there.
I most likely wouldn't include a demo unless it's decent leagnth like at the very least reaches more than 25 minutes but imo a lot of death metal or extreme music in general sounds better on demo with the more raw production. Also we earlier discussed Poison Into the abyss which was a demo from 1987. As for comps I generally don't care about them however in some cases they are essential like when the band's discography consists only of short demos and eps. Like Nihilist's Nihilist (1987-1989) or Parabellums Tempus Mortis for example.

Also my favorite grindcore album is only 11 minutes long.
Ulysses Siren's two demos are easily on par with anything else in thrash metal in terms of quality songwriting, and with the comp clocking in at around 28 minutes it's not really much shorter than Reign in Blood or the first two Megadeth albums (when you delete the cover tracks).

Second-tier albums from first-tier metal labels are usually pretty overrated. Like what, I'm supposed to give a shit about Malevolent Creation or Unleashed just because they happened to come from hot scenes and had more sales-potential? I mean, I can agree that it's absurd when you have people pimping demos over all of the true pioneers, but there's plenty of original and quality demo material that never got a chance due to a mixture of geography, being too weird/risky, or the band breaking up too early.
I dislike this idea that just because a band is a pioneer that automatically means they are good or one of the best. A lot of people think that the best bands and albums in metal have to be these renowned classics and that more obscure and lesser known stuff just can't be as good which to me that mentality goes against what metal was all about. I enjoy digging through obscure stuff and discovering hidden gems I can enjoy as much as the classics or often I prefer the hidden gems over the classics.
Not automatically, but let's face it, if a person thinks obscure death/thrash demo band X is amazing and considers Slayer to be mediocre, they probably have shit standards. Or loving obscure USPM band X but hating Iron Maiden. Or taking Lethal over Queensryche, as mentioned in the cover art thread yesterday. I mean, for a person that likes demo stuff because of raw recording values, at least they have a reason, but I've seen some really inexplicable preferences on various places.
Well I do think Slayer is pretty mediocre and I don't care for Iron Maiden. I guess I'm just a hipster then.

Then again my favorite metal bands are Black Sabbath and Judas Priest so I'm just not sure anymore.
I don't care what you think about Slayer as a whole, they are mediocre now since they haven't been relevant for 25+ years.

I care about what you think of their first 3 albums + EP, which are all varying levels of godliness.
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I don't care what you think about Slayer as a whole, they are mediocre since they haven't been relevant for 25+ years.

I care about what you think of their first 3 albums + EP, which are all varying levels of godliness.

I like the stuff they did before Reign in blood fine enough. With Reign in blood I like Angel of death and the rest is meh. I also think Rainning blood the song is cringey.
I like the stuff they did before Reign in blood fine enough. With Reign in blood I like Angel of death and the rest is meh. I also think Rainning blood the song is cringey.

I don't like Reign in Blood as much as the previous 2, or Haunting the Chapel either. It's still great, though. Hell Awaits is my absolute favourite and easily crushes every other thrash album I've ever heard.
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I don't like Reign in Blood as much as the previous 2, or Haunting the Chapel either. It's still great, though. Hell Awaits is my absolute favourite and easily crushes every other thrash album I've ever heard.

That's fine but the opinion I'd get the most flack for is that I hate South of heaven.
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