Controversial opinions on metal

First time I heard the term death metal was from a kid who said Slipknot was death metal and said they were the only death metal band. At the time I thought it was a term he made up because I didn't think that sounded right. Now ofcourse I love saying death metal even if it's not my favorite genre.

Death metal is for poseurs, Slipknot is the real shit.
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I've never liked the term "Extreme Metal" -- makes me feel like a douchebag. I just say I like metal and random person says "hey me too, did you hear the new Five Finger Death Punch?"...walk away.

I think it's useful for grouping the more extreme forms of metal from the more traditional stuff but I don't see it used very often.

Because Ozzy wasn't "new" nor part of a "wave" he was already a staple of heavy metal, just like Judas Priest who also aren't considered a NWOBHM band.
Do you think Krautrock is a genre?
I've never liked the term "Extreme Metal" -- makes me feel like a douchebag. I just say I like metal and random person says "hey me too, did you hear the new Five Finger Death Punch?"...walk away.

Reminds me of a guy I met at a gas station talking to me about how hard it was to find metal shows around here and how far he had to travel to see Mayhem and some douchebros came up behind us and started talking about Mayhem Festival getting canceled. Blech.
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I only listen to one of those but I'd assume they have more common characteristics than the ones I mentioned.

Listen to them and get back to me. But the point is, death metal is a much more refined genre and krautrock is much more loosely defined.
Take hip hop as an example, there are hip hop artists that sound worlds apart from something classic like N.W.A. and even the same thing could be said about progressive rock.
Listen to them and get back to me. But the point is, death metal is a much more refined genre and krautrock is much more loosely defined.
Take hip hop as an example, there are hip hop artists that sound worlds apart from something classic like N.W.A. and even the same thing could be said about progressive rock.

What Im saying it refers to a very loosely defined set of styles of artists from a specific country. If the Residents or Cromagnon were German they would be considered krautrock. Also with those bands you mentioned at least you can plainly see the simular ties and tell they are the same type of music. If you showed somebody who had a more casual knowlege of music Soap Shop rock by Amon Duul II , Kyrie by Popular Vuh, and Phaedra by Tangerine dream they would never guess those were all in the same category of music.
What Im saying it refers to a very loosely defined set of styles of artists from a specific country. If the Residents or Cromagnon were German they would be considered krautrock. Also with those bands you mentioned at least you can plainly see the simular ties and tell they are the same type of music. If you showed somebody who had a more casual knowlege of music Soap Shop rock by Amon Duul II , Kyrie by Popular Vuh, and Phaedra by Tangerine dream they would never guess those were all in the same category of music.

I completely disagree with that, I don't think those bands would be called krautrock.
Bullshit. CoS isnt even Kreator's best.

Coma of suls s more consistently enjoyable and has more memorable songs. Rust and Piece has a stronger start with its first two songs but the rest of the album while good isn't up to par.
Sometimes I imagine many of you look like this irl.

Coma of Souls is fucking horrible, a sad attempt at selling out towards a Bay Area sound, and I really don't understand how People of the Lie (a veritable 0/10 song) is one of their most popular. I'd take Endorama over it.
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