Controversial opinions on metal

Bathory - Hammerheart
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Manilla Road - Courts of Chaos
Massacra - Final Holocaust
Merciless - The Awakening
Morgoth - The Eternal Fall
Obliveon - From This Day Forward
Root - Zjevení
Sadus - Swallowed in Black
Sextrash - Sexual Carnage

> Painkiller
Rust In Piece is overrated - especially on this board, imo. You really think Painkiller is the best of 1990? Here is a quick list of albums I can think of that are better (without going to look up albums from that year)

Artillery - By Inheritance
Bathory - Hammerheart
Trouble - S/T
Nocturnus - The Key
Deicide - S/T

Hammerheart is one of my favorite albums of that year but I don't like it as much as Painkiller. I think the Deicide album is great by death metal standards but is no where near as good as Painkiller. I've listened to the Artillery album in the past but I can't remember how I felt. Haven't heard these others.
Behind Rusty Waters I seem to be everyone's favorite person to disagree and argue with. It's like folks are ready to nail me to the cross no matter what I say lol.
You're insane. No wonder you love this specific thread. :lol:

Actually I've been pretty open that I don't care for Iron Maiden. I picked that one because it tends to be the most favored from what I've seen. If I had to pick a favorite metal album for 1984 I'd go with Metal Churches debut or if I can include demos I'd choose Voivod's To the death demo.
Coma of Souls is fucking horrible, a sad attempt at selling out towards a Bay Area sound, and I really don't understand how People of the Lie (a veritable 0/10 song) is one of their most popular. I'd take Endorama over it.

You couldn't be any more wrong about this. It's clearly Kreator's strongest album, and aside from being better produced than their previous efforts, it has very little in common with the bay area sound. Given your taste for more progressive thrash, your opinion on this is pretty bizarre.

@MrTagoMago Rust in Peace is also high quality throughout. Polaris is a stand out track for me.