Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah, Terror Zone is the highlight of the album for me and a solid enough song, but really, that entire intro (especially the parts around 1:20 with the pauses and harmonized palm-muting) you can't hear AJFA in that? The verses are just kind of there, a few power chords and those little doo-dee-doo-doo bits to decorate them slightly. The more intense parts like those between 2:05 and 2:30 are nice and I really enjoy the proto-melodeath riffing and faster parts 4 minutes in, otherwise it's just another safe mid-tempo thrash song. Mid-tempo thrash can be done right, but not when there's nothing interesting rhythmically going on nor any kind of intensity.
This would probably be what my top 10 favorite thrash bands list would look like.

10. Sodom or destruction
9. Deathrow
8. Coroner
7. Overkill
6. Kreator
5. Mekong delta
4. Turbo (pol)
3. Doom (jp)
2. Metal church
1. Voivod
I was a Kreator fanboi when Coma of Souls came out and I was massively disappointed with it. I've still got the original vinyl in perfect condition because I played it so little.

What it does well is to marry the weird unintuitively awesome riffing style of the previous releases with a sound that is slightly more layered and melodic. If it's accessible, it manages to be so without reducing the quality of the music, which is a rare feat. If you find it bland, that's either because you haven't given it a proper listen, or because you've listened to it too much.

That song was boring as hell. It sounds safe and uninspired.
The drumming and production are it's two biggest put-offs for me personally, the vocals and riffs are what saves it.

I don't care about the production but I fail to see an issue with the drums at all. I mean that intro to the the titleft track is just killer. All the compositions themselves are excellent though.
Actually listening at the moment the production is perfect for this kinda album.
I was a Kreator fanboi when Coma of Souls came out and I was massively disappointed with it. I've still got the original vinyl in perfect condition because I played it so little.

That song was boring as hell. It sounds safe and uninspired.
Iron Maiden is safe and uninspired. I think that's why they do nothing for me.
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It suffers from very basic composition, unenthusiastic vocal performance "enhanced" in studio with processing to give it an annoying sound and pretty bad lyrics. Other Judas Priest ballads are a lot more convincing and atmospheric.

It's one of the few Judas Priest songs that has writing contributions from someone who isn't part of the band and it shows. Lame song with a shitty atmosphere, edgy lyrics and annoying production.

I actually like Painkiller despite its clear status as their most overrated album, but that song is a turd.
It suffers from very basic composition, unenthusiastic vocal performance "enhanced" in studio with processing to give it an annoying sound and pretty bad lyrics. Other Judas Priest ballads are a lot more convincing and atmospheric.

It's one of the few Judas Priest songs that has writing contributions from someone who isn't part of the band and it shows. Lame song with a shitty atmosphere, edgy lyrics and annoying production.

You wanna hear an incredibly bland ballad with a basic composition? Look up Children of the damned by Iron Maiden.
That has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation. I'm also not sure why I would need to look up a song from an album that I've owned for more than half of my life. I know what it sounds like.
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That has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation. I'm also not sure why I would need to look up a song from an album that I've owned for more than half of my life. I know what it sounds like.

I knew you heard the song before that was a manner of speech but while you and I'm sure many others would feel the need to shit on A touch of evil for being bland and uninspired I bet you guys love Children of the damnedeven though it's easily a much more bland and uninspired metal ballad.