Controversial opinions on metal

Re: Metallica

How do you become as mainstream and successful as they became and retain any degree of inspiration 35-36 years later that can fuel you to keep making great, or at least not mundane, music?

Especially if your band never really had any genuine, cohesive concept or point behind the music other than "fuck yeah loud shit."
Re: Metallica

How do you become as mainstream and successful as they became and retain any degree of inspiration 35-36 years later that can fuel you to keep making great, or at least not mundane, music?

Especially if your band never really had any genuine, cohesive concept or point behind the music other than "fuck yeah loud shit."
Obviously that second part doesn't apply but Frank Zappa never quit making creative and not mundane music even though he had something of a weak moment in the 80s he still tried and managed to put out material that was worth listening to especially when it came to his live material. He ended on a pretty sweet note with albums like Civilization Phase III and Dance me this which again are great if you enjoy synclavier music.
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Both entities aren't really comparable.
OK then Voivod. Target earth and Post Society were both awesome and had actual musical integrity. They've been around just as long as Metallica even though the line up less stable.

Really imo they were only down for the Negatron, Phobos, and self titled run but then they got back on their feet with Katorz.
Eh, I'd give Metallica a little more leeway, although not too much more, the last album of their's I bought was The Black Album back in '91. It was the last one from them I've enjoyed as well. So, to me they haven't recorded a good album since '91. They still maintained their quality as a touring act into the early 2000's, but then they started going to Turdsville in that department too, with Kirk forgetting the wah-wah pedal isn't what controls his oxygen, Lars forgetting what the fuck a tempo or keeping time was, and James joining the circus vocal quartet with that awful shadow of what he used to sound like.
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I mostly agree with this, except ,,,AJFA is quite an interesting and ambitious record even if I never listen to it these days. It's better than the snoozefest that is Master of Puppets.

Switch those albums around and that's how I feel lol.
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OK then Voivod. Target earth and Post Society were both awesome and had actual musical integrity. They've been around just as long as Metallica even though the line up less stable.

Really imo they were only down for the Negatron, Phobos, and self titled run but then they got back on their feet with Katorz.

Still not comparable.

Especially if your band never really had any genuine, cohesive concept or point behind the music other than "fuck yeah loud shit."

How do Voïvod or Frank Zappa come under ^this?

Essentially what I'm saying is, people expect a lot from a band like Metallica, even though they're just a bunch of metal/rock derps that never seemed to have a higher calling with their art to begin with. They've always been meat and potatos.

Edit: also, Voïvod and Frank Zappa never found the kind of soul-sucking success that Metallica did.
Just listened to Hardwired for the first time, and I have to say, though slightly generic, this could be a turnaround for them as it wasn't bad at all. Best thing they've recorded since the Black Album hands down.
Still not comparable.

How do Voïvod or Frank Zappa come under ^this?

Essentially what I'm saying is, people expect a lot from a band like Metallica, even though they're just a bunch of metal/rock derps that never seemed to have a higher calling with their art to begin with. They've always been meat and potatos.

I was going based on the first thing you said. To be fair even if I didn't like the music nearly as much as most they were at the very least ambitious during the 80s and did manage out some interesting and memorable tracks here and there mostly on RTL though.

Still I think for a band labeled by so many as the biggest metal band of all time I do think they should be held to a certain standard and I don't think people should let them get away with mediocre rubbish just because it's better than most of the garbage they've put out. They fact that this 3 minute sample can be called the best thing we've heard from them since the Black Album really says a lot about the state of this band.
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I was going based on the first thing you said.

How do you become as mainstream and successful as they became and retain any degree of inspiration 35-36 years later that can fuel you to keep making great, or at least not mundane, music?

This first ^part?

Voïvod and Frank Zappa had mainstream success? loluwish.

But seriously, not many people/bands can dip in and out of mainstream success for decades and remain both relevant and inspired. David Bowie comes to mind.
This first ^part?

Voïvod and Frank Zappa had mainstream success? loluwish.

But seriously, not many people/bands can dip in and out of mainstream success for decades and remain both relevant and inspired. David Bowie comes to mind.

Oops I missed that point. I can kinda see an argument for Frank Zappa being mainstream I mean his name is probably a lot more well known than his music but he's definitely not underground. Voivod may have never had any real mainstream success but I would say Nothingface, Angel rat, and The outer limits had songs I could imagine being played on the radio. I guess what your saying though is you lose artistic integrity when you become super popular.

I would agree with David Bowie. Many will disagree on this but I for me Judas Priest comes to mind. I quite liked Angel of retribution.
I don't think you necessarily lose it when you become super popular, it just becomes much harder to retain it.
Seems true enough. I have to question how much integrity the band had in the first place. Weren't they at first against making music videos?
Metallica? I wouldn't have a clue, but that's basically my point, people are expecting the wrong band to still be inspired and great, 35 years after their debut.

Ain't gonna happen.
Yeah I remember that they didn't do music videos during those first 3 album, but then after Justice they did one for One. I myself don't expect them to still be inspired and great again I never cared much for them in the first place, but I dislike how just the idea of it not being as terrible as a lot of their previous albums makes it a success as if all these fans have their head so far stuck up they're ass they're willing to accept mediocrity from these washed up has been while you have all these other classic thrash bands who are actually managing out some really good stuff.