Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah I remember that they didn't do music videos during those first 3 album, but then after Justice they did one for One. I myself don't expect them to still be inspired and great again I never cared much for them in the first place, but I dislike how just the idea of it not being as terrible as a lot of their previous albums makes it a success as if all these fans have their head so far stuck up they're ass they're willing to accept mediocrity from these washed up has been while you have all these other classic thrash bands who are actually managing out some really good stuff.

There wasn't enough demand for that kind of music for them to make music videos before One. The One video was a breakthrough because they realised thrash music could actually gain airtime on MTV.

So in response they decided to turn into a redneck hard rock band.
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There wasn't enough demand for that kind of music for them to make music videos before One. The One video was a breakthrough because they realised thrash music could actually gain airtime on MTV.

So in response they decided to turn into a redneck hard rock band.

But lesser known thrash bands were already making music videos before then.
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Anthrax, but I'm not really a thrash video expert. I'm going off an interview I watched with Metallica years ago in which they described how the One video was a breakthrough for them and changed the rules for the kind of music shown on MTV. I wasn't alive then, so I can't testify first hand to its accuracy.
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Anthrax, but I'm not really a thrash video expert. I'm going off an interview I watched with Metallica years ago in which they described how the One video was a breakthrough for them and changed the rules for the kind of music shown on MTV. I wasn't alive then, so I can't testify first hand to its accuracy.

Well there's a music video for Peace sells. Overkill had one for In union we stand. Voivod had one for Ravenous medicine. Kreator had one for Toxic trace. I've no clue if they were all played on MTV though so if someone wants to elaborate please go ahead ^^
Well there's a music video for Peace sells. Overkill had one for In union we stand. Voivod had one for Ravenous medicine. Kreator had one for Toxic trace. I've no clue if they were all played on MTV though so if someone wants to elaborate please go ahead ^^

I'm sure they were on Headbangers Ball. Lesser known bands than those had videos on there (back when MTV was worth anything)
I'm sure they were on Headbangers Ball. Lesser known bands than those had videos on there (back when MTV was worth anything)

Oh yeah that show. OK but then why didn't Metallica have any for those first 3 albums as big as they were in the metal scene.
there is something 'poseurish' about being a thrash band for an extended period of time. How 'angry' and 'aggressive' can you be well into adulthood? Thrash and punk seem to share a similar frustration out of being a young adult.

I don't have anything against a group of guys who listened to music that was likely more similar to Load era Metallica than Kill 'Em All and decided to go back to it.

Raven is a garbage NWOBHM band so I guess this is why you're opinions are doodoo
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The authenticity of angry or aggressive music isn't limited by age. The idea of middle-aged men making music about being angry teenage rebels is weird though.
there is something 'poseurish' about being a thrash band for an extended period of time. How 'angry' and 'aggressive' can you be well into adulthood? Thrash and punk seem to share a similar frustration out of being a young adult.

I don't have anything against a group of guys who listened to music that was likely more similar to Load era Metallica than Kill 'Em All and decided to go back to it.

Iron Maiden is a garbage NWOBHM band so I guess this is why you're opinions are glorious

Fixed that last part for you.