Controversial opinions on metal

Well I think they're okay actually, if overrated. The first two albums are superior to the later ones, and people probably wouldn't like them so much if it wasn't for the fact that their production is so much clearer than is the case with most NWOBHM.
Well I think they're okay actually, if overrated. The first two albums are superior to the later ones, and people probably wouldn't like them so much if it wasn't for the fact that their production is so much clearer than is the case with most NWOBHM.

Yeah I don't hate em I just find em boring really.
I think you just enjoy saying controversial shit tbh. I came to this conclusion yesterday when you said that Dystopia is a great album after you've been shitting on classic Iron Maiden and Slayer.

You should try responding to all his comments with "Yeah! Right on! X shitty unsuccessful band is better than Y excellent successful band" and see if he stops posting.
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Well I think they're okay actually, if overrated. The first two albums are superior to the later ones, and people probably wouldn't like them so much if it wasn't for the fact that their production is so much clearer than is the case with most NWOBHM.

Yeah, I don't think that the production is the main reason why people like Iron Maiden. :err:
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Iron Maiden's production was way ahead of the rest of the NWOBHM scene. Why you like them is up to you, but it would be dumb to discount that as a factor behind their massive popularity. There are many Iron Maiden fans who haven't even heard of bands like Angel Witch that would like them just as much were their music produced in a way easily accessible for mainstream listeners.
The authenticity of angry or aggressive music isn't limited by age. The idea of middle-aged men making music about being angry teenage rebels is weird though.

Can't think of many thrash bands who put out more than 3 worthwhile releases. I would argue that once you're out of your 'element,' it's hard to replicate that via art. That element being young and sexually frustrated, probably.
Iron Maiden's production was way ahead of the rest of the NWOBHM scene. Why you like them is up to you, but it would be dumb to discount that as a factor behind their massive popularity. There are many Iron Maiden fans who haven't even heard of bands like Angel Witch that would like them just as much were their music produced in a way easily accessible for mainstream listeners.

Iron Maiden's compositions are quite accessible and they received attention from magazines early on. The controversy about the single where Eddie was waiting to assassinate Margaret Thatcher was also a boon for them because it made them much more well-known.

The actual production values of their first two albums aren't really that amazing.
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It isn't surprising I like the first two albums best then, lol. I still think the production is head and shoulders above most NOWBHM, but I agree that they don't have the polished, plastic quality of Maiden's later releases. It would be interesting to see where Maiden would be now if they'd stuck with Di'Anno and kept their albums a little rawer.
I think you just enjoy saying controversial shit tbh. I came to this conclusion yesterday when you said that Dystopia is a great album after you've been shitting on classic Iron Maiden and Slayer.

OK now you sound kind of like an asshole. First off this is the controversial metal opinion thread so yeah I'm going to post controversial opinions. Second I went back and listened and said I like the Slayer albums from before Reign in blood and also said I can see why those albums are held in high regard even if they aren't personal favorites of mine. Also yeah I don't care for Iron Maiden even though I wanted to I just can't get into them. Sorry for being honest.
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They probably wouldn't have been nearly as successful since Di'Anno was an unreliable drug addict and his singing was a bit less refined.
They probably wouldn't have been nearly as successful since Di'Anno was an unreliable drug addict and his singing was a bit less refined.

I don't disagree with that, but I also think their music would have been better. And respect to Di'Anno, still going after all these years despite drugs (apparently) and lack of success. Take note Metallica, that's integrity.