My opinions on the Gojira mentioned so far:
The Link - kinda dragging on this intro, stop-start riffing is more interesting than the average groove metal but still feels kinda deliberate, like "Hey we learned these few cool dissonant chords so now we can just use our fancy equipment and get by on that because muh atmosphere", an album full of this would kill me, but then again lots of fucks in this thread probably think Ulcerate is any better so whatevs, 3/10
Lizard Skin - intro was neat, sounded like proto-post metal, but these chugs are actually pretty generic, when they ditch that and go for the atmospherics and actually keep some movement like around 2:00 it's actually pretty cool, but these verses are a total killjoy, especially when he goes from the grunts to the higher-pitched BAK BAKA BAKA BAK chicken shit, potential in this one though, 5/10
Backbone - singer learned how to sound passionate, that's a plus, more ideas here although they don't seem perfectly fit together, like the random death metal riffs that pop up, but this was enjoyable and engaging for the most part, 7/10
Flying Whales - yeah yeah nice tribute to the whales there bros, the first actual riff is baby's first groove-tier, eeeegh having to skip around on this one it's so long, couldn't find anything salvageable, 1/10
Could be worse, still better songwriting than most black metal.