Controversial opinions on metal

I think they're just shit tbh.

I once knew someone whose favourite metal album of all time was Slaughter of the Soul and he was also a Gojira fan. That should tell you enough.

I've never seen them live though, so maybe EternalMetal is correct. However, I tend to not really like live music as much as recorded music. I don't get the appeal of live albums, and yes that includes Unleashed in the East.

I met a guy at their gig whose fav band was Slipknot. Lots of beginning metalheads listen to them but at the same time there was that guy who flew all the way from USA (to Poland!) only to see them live.
People tell me about bands that they think are amazing live but bad in studio all the time. I can't relate because I've never enjoyed a band live that I thought was terrible in studio.

So you never went to a gig, really enjoyed a band, and then bought their album to realize that it sounded shitty? Unless you are a close-minded fuck who only shows up for the headliner you planned on seeing, I imagine that this has happened to everyone at least once.
So you never went to a gig, really enjoyed a band, and then bought their album to realize that it sounded shitty? Unless you are a close-minded fuck who only shows up for the headliner you planned on seeing, I imagine that this has happened to everyone at least once.

Not all of us have been fortunate enough to visit more than a few live shows. :(
So you never went to a gig, really enjoyed a band, and then bought their album to realize that it sounded shitty? Unless you are a close-minded fuck who only shows up for the headliner you planned on seeing, I imagine that this has happened to everyone at least once.

I haven't been to tons of shows but that's a totally foreign experience for me. I've seen several bands live and heard their studio material live after that and enjoyed it, but never what you're describing.
I've seen Gojira live a long time ago. I've seen them a few times (the boyfriend is a fan) and they've had the same set each time and the same drum solo. Heh... I didn't care much for them. Terra Incognito had some interesting parts but I think they drag on for too long. There's too much metalcore influence in there for me. They also tend to sound really chunky and I don't like that. Flying Whales has a cool intro though.
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Not all of us have been fortunate enough to visit more than a few live shows. :(

I guess that's understandable. I live between Philly and NYC, so I actually have a pretty good location for going to shows. Ive been to hundreds of shows, and I imagined that most people here would have as well.

@Elric of Melniboné - It really depends. I have been disappointed by live shows compared with recorded material as well. Most metal bands (that arent big acts) are usually just mediocre live, so a lot of the times the recordings are even better than the show. The biggest shocker ive ever seen live was probably Primus. They are just some stupid joke funk-rock on cd, but they jam out live and far exceeded my expectations when I saw them. The festival atmosphere and the copious sharing of marijuana probably added to my enjoyment, but they were still an exceptional live band.

Im not saying that seeing Gojira live will automatically make you a convert or anything, because if you cant stand djent or metalcore type stuff in any capacity then I still wont expect you to enjoy it, but I just found them to be a whole lot more exciting live than on cd. I used to be more of a fan than I am now (cant listen to their cds anymore cause I find it boring), so ymmv of course.
My opinions on the Gojira mentioned so far:

The Link - kinda dragging on this intro, stop-start riffing is more interesting than the average groove metal but still feels kinda deliberate, like "Hey we learned these few cool dissonant chords so now we can just use our fancy equipment and get by on that because muh atmosphere", an album full of this would kill me, but then again lots of fucks in this thread probably think Ulcerate is any better so whatevs, 3/10

Lizard Skin - intro was neat, sounded like proto-post metal, but these chugs are actually pretty generic, when they ditch that and go for the atmospherics and actually keep some movement like around 2:00 it's actually pretty cool, but these verses are a total killjoy, especially when he goes from the grunts to the higher-pitched BAK BAKA BAKA BAK chicken shit, potential in this one though, 5/10

Backbone - singer learned how to sound passionate, that's a plus, more ideas here although they don't seem perfectly fit together, like the random death metal riffs that pop up, but this was enjoyable and engaging for the most part, 7/10

Flying Whales - yeah yeah nice tribute to the whales there bros, the first actual riff is baby's first groove-tier, eeeegh having to skip around on this one it's so long, couldn't find anything salvageable, 1/10

Could be worse, still better songwriting than most black metal.
You're fucked in the head.
i swear hbb praises nearly every BM song thats been submitted in the games so far (i know he's given two of mine 8+ ratings). not sure there are many people on here who are valid targets for this particular crusade. although enough seem to get riled into debating it with him so maybe it doesn't matter
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I guess that's understandable. I live between Philly and NYC, so I actually have a pretty good location for going to shows. Ive been to hundreds of shows, and I imagined that most people here would have as well.

@Elric of Melniboné - It really depends. I have been disappointed by live shows compared with recorded material as well. Most metal bands (that arent big acts) are usually just mediocre live, so a lot of the times the recordings are even better than the show. The biggest shocker ive ever seen live was probably Primus. They are just some stupid joke funk-rock on cd, but they jam out live and far exceeded my expectations when I saw them. The festival atmosphere and the copious sharing of marijuana probably added to my enjoyment, but they were still an exceptional live band.

Im not saying that seeing Gojira live will automatically make you a convert or anything, because if you cant stand djent or metalcore type stuff in any capacity then I still wont expect you to enjoy it, but I just found them to be a whole lot more exciting live than on cd. I used to be more of a fan than I am now (cant listen to their cds anymore cause I find it boring), so ymmv of course.

Yeah only live show I recall going to was Motley Crue with the Scorpions as the opening act. I was way too young to appreciate it at the time though and had my Aunt take me out because the music hurt my ears. Cant remember how old i was though. But yeah ive never been able to go to many live shows.
i swear hbb praises nearly every BM song thats been submitted in the games so far (i know he's given two of mine 8+ ratings). not sure there are many people on here who are valid targets for this particular crusade. although enough seem to get riled into debating it with him so maybe it doesn't matter

There is good black metal posted in those threads, I'm just sayin that people acting like Gojira or metalcore in general engages in the lowest form of riffcraft need to get woke and realize how much worse it can be.
"Wahwah shitty riffs and shit production, so ballless"

*puts on Solitary Emofuhrer's fifteenth album, Crying Cold Depressive Tears of Bittersweet Nocturnal Sorrows*

"Ahhh now that really hits the spot"
I didn't mention production at all. I just said that for a band that tries so hard to be heavy/"crushing", or have intriguing riffs/songwriting, said riffs/songwriting is ball-less and sucks dick.

DSBM does not try to be "heavy", or have riffs, it is deliberately straight-up chordy stuff, and unlike Gayjira is quite upfront about what it is; so yeah you're a retard, smoke pole in hell, yada yada yada.
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I didn't mention production at all. I just said that for a band that tries so hard to be heavy/"crushing", or have intriguing riffs/songwriting, said riffs/songwriting is ball-less and sucks dick.

DSBM does not try to be "heavy", or have riffs, it is deliberately straight-up chordy stuff, and unlike Gayjira is quite upfront about what it is; so yeah you're a retard, smoke pole in hell, yada yada yada.

What is Gojira straight-up about? What do you think their musical intent is?