My listen of The Curse was more recent and I thought that one was shitty too, so I doubt much will change. But you consider The Curse to be significantly worse than Warning of Danger? Most people seem to enjoy all three roughly equally.
New controversial opinion in light of relistening to some Slayer at the moment: it's a toss-up between the title track and Hardening of the Arteries for least good song on Hell Awaits, and if I had to commit I'd probably choose the title track just because the first half of Hardening is better, and it's unfair to neglect it just because its outro is the same as the title track's intro. Still both 7/10 songs though.
"Hell Awaits" and "Hardening of the Arteries" are both good candidates for the worst song on the album but I also think that "Praise of Death" may be the least interesting song.
What's the worst song on Show No Mercy?
edit: that thread sure makes me miss technical barbarity </sarcasm>
Omni and Matt should come back too.
I'd love it if Omni came back, I like having a sparring partner over music nerd bullcrap.Omni and Matt should come back too.