Controversial opinions on metal

It's funny, because the word "Iowa" could be synonymous with their whole career... boring, lifeless, uninspiring, banal, and and they all belong as the scarecrows of Amish corn farms with those costumes.

I always thought of them as trying to be edgy and dangerous while still staying hip and cool in the mainstream so to appeal to a certain group of angsty teens.
@Phylactery just won for the most controversial opinion here. I actually liked Iowa when it came out, but that was back in middle school before I was introduced to death and black metal. It had a chaos to it that the likes of Pantera could only wish to have (another band I liked back then). Honestly I didnt mind giving it another chance after all these years, but I just cant get behind to calling it good. I dont see what you see in their songwriting, it comes across as vapid angst to me. I moved on from this shit long ago, and revisiting it just reminded me why I finally realized that it sucked.
@Phylactery just won for the most controversial opinion here. I actually liked Iowa when it came out, but that was back in middle school before I was introduced to death and black metal. It had a chaos to it that the likes of Pantera could only wish to have (another band I liked back then). Honestly I didnt mind giving it another chance after all these years, but I just cant get behind to calling it good. I dont see what you see in their songwriting, it comes across as vapid angst to me. I moved on from this shit long ago, and revisiting it just reminded me why I finally realized that it sucked.

Wait he wasnt shitposting? I was sure he was joking.
This is disturbing.

The whole comment section is full of Do Kids react to Slipknot!

That's the least of my gripes. For one, they showed them Hardwired, and not Ride The Lightning or anything representative of Metallica's best. Then, that one dork confused them for The Rolling Stones and being hard rock.
I was haha. I thought that was obvious.

I probably don't hate it as much as most people here, though.

It did seem obvious but ive seen people expsess similarly controversial opionions in what seemed like a joking manner only to find they were quite serious, so im never too sure.
That's the least of my gripes. For one, they showed them Hardwired, and not Ride The Lightning or anything representative of Metallica's best. Then, that one dork confused them for The Rolling Stones and being hard rock.
Well yeah i meant the video was disturbing i just pointed out what was going on in the comment section because it was relevant to the discussion at hand. Lol at the kid who who thought James was screaming.
They were extremely popular back when I was in high school at age 13-15. So much so that one year they put on a rock and metal disco as well as the usual one. I went and they played lots of Slipknot and Cradle of Filth.

I'm pretty sure Iowa also hit number 1 on the UK albums chart when it was released.
Fucking troll.

How about this then? System of a Down's self titled album is top tier. Probably the only thing great that ever came out of nu metal.

Haha @ that kids reacting to Metallica bit. That one kid hating on them was such a fucking pussy. And that girl headbanging was hilarious. Future metalhead without a doubt.
That People = Shit song actually sounds pretty good to me. Ever since I discovered that Slipknot's most popular song is built off of my favorite Anacrusis riff (who are my favorite thrash band) I've been a lot more curious about them.
Well yeah i meant the video was disturbing i just pointed out what was going on in the comment section because it was relevant to the discussion at hand. Lol at the kid who who thought James was screaming.
"This music screaming!" I'm thinking, motherfucker, you want screaming?
System of a Down were another really popular band in high school. I never liked them. I had a friend that was obsessed with the song "BYOB", God that song is fucking annoying. They also ripped off the "I Am the Black Wizards" riff in one of their songs and claim to be huge black metal fans.

@HamburgerBoy What is considered their most popular song?