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- Sep 16, 2007
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Dream Evil contains some of Dio's worst songs
His best album. No song is worse than an 8/10.
Point of Entry is obviously not a good album, I'd rank it below Ram it Down.
It's a great album. I used to not like Troubleshooter but even that one is pretty good in my book now.
FoD is quite up and down, I'm with you there, but half of Turbo and RiD are unbearably bad. Sure songs like "Weekend Warrior" are pretty dumb, but at least their listenable. On the other hand, songs like "Parental Guidance" and "Love Zone" are so terrible that I don't plan to ever listen to them again.
From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).