Controversial opinions on metal

Also, Fear of the Dark is clearly faaaaaaaaaaaaaar less consistent than any Judas Priest album prior to Jugulator.

FoD is quite up and down, I'm with you there, but half of Turbo and RiD are unbearably bad. Sure songs like "Weekend Warrior" are pretty dumb, but at least their listenable. On the other hand, songs like "Parental Guidance" and "Love Zone" are so terrible that I don't plan to ever listen to them again.
I think we need to consider that a large part of why Iron Maiden might seem more consistent is that they were a lot more samey and less risky. Iron Maiden hasnt changed nearly as much as Judas Priest has and they have a furmula they tend follow to a lot more closely. Theyre simply to put it a lot more safe.
Also I do believe that while point of entry is a weaker album the songs from it actually sound a lot better live from what i remember heres an example.

I think we need to consider that a large part of why Iron Maiden might seem more consistent is that they were a lot more samey and less risky. Iron Maiden hasnt changed nearly as much as Judas Priest has and they have a furmula they tend follow to a lot more closely. Theyre simply to put it a lot more safe.

That's relatively accurate. You could also argue that Priest was way more trendy--in the sense of trying to follow trends, for better and worse.
Deceased is the only metal band that got better with every album (not counting the covers album). Or well they're the only band that i prefer their albums in reverse chronological order
What about Averse Sefira? I think they got progressively better. Although I slightly favour their third of the fourth.

Tetragrammatical Astygmata is the only album i'm familiar with tbh. they opened a show for either Emperor or Immortal like 10 years ago but i got there late and missed them. that's my familiarity with the band
Dream Evil contains some of Dio's worst songs

His best album. No song is worse than an 8/10.

Point of Entry is obviously not a good album, I'd rank it below Ram it Down.

It's a great album. I used to not like Troubleshooter but even that one is pretty good in my book now.

FoD is quite up and down, I'm with you there, but half of Turbo and RiD are unbearably bad. Sure songs like "Weekend Warrior" are pretty dumb, but at least their listenable. On the other hand, songs like "Parental Guidance" and "Love Zone" are so terrible that I don't plan to ever listen to them again.

From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).
From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).

Here to Eternity is pretty mediocre, as the blatant, shameless appeal to angst-ridden suburban teens that is "Parental Guidance."
His best album. No song is worse than an 8/10.

It's a great album. I used to not like Troubleshooter but even that one is pretty good in my book now.

From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).

Sunset Superman is total garbage 2/10

Naked in the rain and when a woman cries are also annoying

Night people is below average for dio
Yeah, obviously there's something wrong with me if I don't "get" a run-of-the-mill, early 80s AOR album. Get your head out of your ass.
You're the one tongue massaging your own prostate pal, so telling me to remove my head from my ass is the last thing you need to be concerned with. You critiquing of Point of Entry as nothing but supbar AOR is hilarious, given you're the same troglodyte that champions shit like Deathspell Omega over Venom.