Controversial opinions on metal

Dream Evil contains some of Dio's worst songs

His best album. No song is worse than an 8/10.

Point of Entry is obviously not a good album, I'd rank it below Ram it Down.

It's a great album. I used to not like Troubleshooter but even that one is pretty good in my book now.

FoD is quite up and down, I'm with you there, but half of Turbo and RiD are unbearably bad. Sure songs like "Weekend Warrior" are pretty dumb, but at least their listenable. On the other hand, songs like "Parental Guidance" and "Love Zone" are so terrible that I don't plan to ever listen to them again.

From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).
His best album. No song is worse than an 8/10.

It's a great album. I used to not like Troubleshooter but even that one is pretty good in my book now.

From Here to Eternity is worse than anything on Turbo, but I do agree that Parental Guidance is the worst on Turbo (probably a ~4/10 song, vocal melodies are shit and it kinda plods but it isn't quite offensive).

Sunset Superman is total garbage 2/10

Naked in the rain and when a woman cries are also annoying

Night people is below average for dio
Yeah, obviously there's something wrong with me if I don't "get" a run-of-the-mill, early 80s AOR album. Get your head out of your ass.
You're the one tongue massaging your own prostate pal, so telling me to remove my head from my ass is the last thing you need to be concerned with. You critiquing of Point of Entry as nothing but supbar AOR is hilarious, given you're the same troglodyte that champions shit like Deathspell Omega over Venom.
Parental Guidance was a middle finger to the PMRC, had nothing to do with edgy teens. Try again.

"Every day you scream at me to turn the music low
Well if you keep on screaming, you'll make me deaf you know
You always chew me out, because I stay out late
Until your three-piece suit comes back in date, get one thing straight"

Of course that was a dimension, but if you can't admit that the above lines we're aimed at getting rebellious teens to buy their record than you are in utter denial.
"Every day you scream at me to turn the music low
Well if you keep on screaming, you'll make me deaf you know
You always chew me out, because I stay out late
Until your three-piece suit comes back in date, get one thing straight"

Of course that was a dimension, but if you can't admit that the above lines we're aimed at getting rebellious teens to buy their record than you are in utter denial.
Sure. But that's a dual edged sword seeing as that's clearly a jab at the PMRC types and Congressmen trying to regulate musical expression at the time as well.
You're the one tongue massaging your own prostate pal, so telling me to remove my head from ass is the last thing you need to be concerned with. You critiquing of Point of Entry as nothing but supbar AOR is hilarious, given you're the same troglodyte that champions shit like Deathspell Omega over Venom.

:lol: I'm a "troglodyte" for preferring the intellectual masterpiece that is later DSO to Venom? Try again. Or better yet, shut up.
:lol: I'm a "troglodyte" for preferring the intellectual masterpiece that is later DSO to Venom? Try again. Or better yet, shut up.
Yes, you are. Deathspell Omega an intellectual masterpiece... if your taste were any poorer it'd be on food stamps in Detroit waiting for Obama to pay its bills.
I'll take Inquisitors of Satan and SMRC (bloated as it definitely is) over something like Ram It Down which is just bad from what I remember.

The first 3 Venom are obviously more classic and influential than DSO, though.
Intellectual masterpiece? Hmm, care to post a link that would be their strongest example of that?

Get a copy of SMRC, Fas, or Paracletus and read the lyrics, look at the art, and listen to the music. The three works make up a trilogy. It is a very intelligent and thoroughly developed conflation of Christian doctrine and theology with spiritual Satanism (which I ultimately read as a doctrine that implies that the essence of Christian theology is nihilism), which creates a metaphysical dystopia. There's no Cliff Notes link I can send you to, but you're likely to find it worth it if you give the albums the time they deserve.
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I guess that's my problem, while I fully appreciate that great pieces of music aren't obviously great on the surface and actually do require effort to unlock, it's rather asking a bit much to buy 3 albums with the hopes that I'll "get it."

I'll noodle around on youtube and MA a bit later and see what I think.