Controversial opinions on metal

Shhh, you're triggering crimsonfloyd.

:smug: You randomly bring up an argument I made years ago, but I'm the one whose easily triggered? Honestly, I don't even remeber who you are, but you're still dwelling on something I said years ago.

Cassetteisgod can like whatever he wants, it makes no difference to me. In fact, I appriciate that he was able to acknowledge the quality of DSO even though it doesn't seem like it's quite his style/aesthetic.
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:smug: You randomly bring up an argument I made years ago, but I'm the one whose easily triggered? Honestly, I don't even remeber who you are, but you're still dwelling on something I said years ago.

Cassetteisgod can like whatever he wants, it makes no difference to me. In fact, I appriciate that he was able to acknowledge the quality of DSO even though it doesn't seem like it's quite his style/aesthetic.
I wasn't apprised of you having had this argument years before. I was referencing when it came up during the Hall of Fame inductions just a few months ago. Also, the stick in the ass answer to a post that was clearly an offhand joke doesn't help your case.
I think Deathspell Omega is a good black metal band, top 40 or 50 even, I just don't feel like they're these immaculate geniuses that trump Venom.
I wasn't apprised of you having had this argument years before. I was referencing when it came up during the Hall of Fame inductions just a few months ago. Also, the stick in the ass answer to a post that was clearly an offhand joke doesn't help your case.

Jeez, you still remember when and where I posted this? Sorry I scarred you so much with an original thought. I know that can be traumatizing for sheep, so I'll make sure and put a "trigger warning" label next time I critique a highly overrated canon band.
I dont even know where to start with the DsO vs Venom comparison. It's probably one of the more extreme 1st wave BM vs 2nd wave BM comparisons you could make. Venom is an infinitely more accessible, feel good black heavy metal, whereas DsO experiments with uncomfortable dissonance and grand song structures that require demanding attention (post-Inquisitors of Satan of course). It's like comparing Obituary to Immolation. I could probably throw Venom on at any given time and get into it, but with DsO I need to be in the mood to properly appreciate it. I could drink beers and party with friends while listening to Venom, but id prefer a dark room and headphones to fully get into a listening session with DsO. To make a car comparison, Venom is like drag racing a Mustang, and DsO is like appreciating the luxury of a Bentley. Call it pretentious if you like, but DsO has a complexity to their craft that Venom couldnt begin to compete with. Venom is more enjoyable, but I wouldnt call them better.

Imo, Fas is DsO's magnum opus. Paracletus is probably a really close second, but SMRC is simply too long for my taste and doesnt quite reach the musical heights of the other 2 releases in the trilogy. Inquisitors of Satan is just well done orthodox BM, so I dont consider it in the same category as the more fully realized DsO albums.