Controversial opinions on metal

When power metal does catch fire, it tends to have great musicianship. Much better than black metal does.
I take the main subgenres of metal to be: traditional, thrash, doom, death, black and power, with obvious crossovers acknowledged.

Of these subgenres, thrash metal is the weakest. While the great stuff IS great, very few of the second tier bands offer much of interest and the genre has been a virtual graveyard for decades.
It's the weakest in my opinion as well.

For me:
black > death > doom = trad = power > thrash

Obviously I love them all. And my top 15 - 20 metal albums would have albums from all genres in it I would think! 4 of them are represented in my top 5!
Thrash = death > trad > doom > black > power

Progressive in front of any of those can move them up. I really only listen to the first 3, with some exceptions, there's a handful of black metal bands I really enjoy for example. In doom I mostly like stoner and the rare truly exceptional vocalists in trad doom.
I thought for sure you'd have black metal way out in last, don't think I've seen you give black metal track more thank like 5 in the mixtape game.

Is there some black metal that you actually like?
I thought for sure you'd have black metal way out in last, don't think I've seen you give black metal track more thank like 5 in the mixtape game.

Is there some black metal that you actually like?
The bottom 3 are pretty interchangeable. I like Venom and Mayhem and some blackened things here and there. I actually submitted a Mayhem song in one round.