Damage Case
Idiotic opinion. You seem to visit this site from time to time and spew opinions that are just so wrong.
Controversial Opinion:
Neurosis is very overrated, no matter what time period.
Tbh I agree with him. Neurosis isn't even bad, just bland which imo is worse.Idiotic opinion. You seem to visit this site from time to time and spew opinions that are just so wrong.
Some people don't deserve to even hold a copy of Through Silver in Blood, let alone try and cast opinion on it.
Some people don't deserve to even hold a copy of Through Silver in Blood, let alone try and cast opinion on it.
I'm going to humor your post by sinking to your level of post-metal neck bearded irony by letting you know that I have no interest in holding a copy of post-metal/sludge faggotry. Furthermore, I'll gladly cast opinions on music as I please, but only music I actually deem worthy of spending my time listening to, thanks.
I just think that menacing riff in Each Dawn I Die makes it a better opener. Blood of My Enemies would probably still be the second track or something because it still kicks ass.Blood of My Enemies is simply a superior track to Each Dawn I Die.
My controversial opinion: The entire genre of sludge metal means nothing to me. I'd rather go to Best Buy and mic up a few dozen dishwashers and burn that to a CD and listen to it. Neurosis is a terrible band for bland people.
P.S., Beherit is almost just as boring.