Controversial opinions on metal

Brutal death has been dealing with a sharp downturn in general lately. I havent even liked the shit New Standard Elite has been putting out.
Fav label, love everything Dan puts out. I'm surprised you didn't like the newer stuff. What haven't you liked?

Overall there's a lot of good shit still out there, but the slam trend needs to die off.
So my brother in law played me a song by the Defones(some chick walking a dog), and to my surprise it was somewhat bearable(controversial?). He was like "look, i listen to some metal too" and pulled up some of their shit .... i chuckled inside for the obvious reasons.
Deftones is one of those nu metal bands that people (not just metalheads) feel OK to praise for some reason. Complete garbage imo, people that enjoy them should just go back to the shoegaze and whatnot they invariably compare them to. I'd take Linkin Park over them.
The vocals on that song are so nasal and obnoxious. I don't know how accurate 'shoegaze' actually describes their influences/sound, but it's something I see labeled a lot (check White Pony on RYM for example), like how in between the jumpdafuckup riffs it's all twinkly wall-of-sound guitar stuff. From a production standpoint it sounds nice and all, but the songs are always underwhelming in execution. Helmet did it much better.

EDIT: Ugh the last 30 seconds of that song, dkldfkgjdsfoivfdskovijsdv
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ohh maybe that why the guy liked this band(i dont hear it though). He's a drummer and was trying to point out the drummers he liked, he mentioned the slipknot drummer too. Imagine the look on his face when i showed him videos of Lombardo, Hoglan, Mournier, Grossmann, Sandoval and such.
ohh maybe that why the guy liked this band(i dont hear it though). He's a drummer and was trying to point out the drummers he liked, he mentioned the slipknot drummer too. Imagine the look on his face when i showed him videos of Lombardo, Hoglan, Mournier, Grossmann, Sandoval and such.

Cunningham is good for that style. I like the drum track on Digital Bath. Obviously not like dudes like Lombardo and such but not everyone can be.
i love how even the faintest sound of numetal makes burgerboy go haywire!


yeah that last 30 seconds made me want to punch the whole band out.
Controversial Opinion:

Death metal without good lead guitar work / soloing is almost worthless.
The one thing I tend to like the most about black metal is the very simplistic but impacting drums. Since you mentioned traditional/power metal, one of the highlights of Manowar in my opinion is the drumming!