Controversial opinions on metal

I'm very picky with brutal death metal. Suffocation, Cryptopsy, and Dying Fetus are great, but so much of it all sounds alike and all sounds boring. Really it's the ultra-techy side of brutal death metal that makes me yawn. About the only BDM band I've discovered recently that I actually like is Benighted.

Check out the New Standard Elite label. Pretty much the best BDM has to offer.

Have some more blast beats you fucking degenerates:

Blast beats are garbage 95% of the time when repeated for longer than a few bars. They belong in metal about as much as metalcore breakdowns do.

Check out the New Standard Elite label. Pretty much the best BDM has to offer.

Have some more blast beats you fucking degenerates:

This is why I don't really like much brutal death metal. The technicality in that song means nothing to me, the vocals are dull as fuck, and it all combines into a mush of notes that might as well be arbitrary, even though they're not. I often like my death metal simpler, more direct, ugly, raw, and atmospheric. When I think of my perfect death metal sound, I'm pretty much thinking of shit like early Death, Obituary, and death thrash. Throw in some Swedish and Finnish death metal for good measure.
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